Unsung Heroes: Celebrating Family Caregivers

Caregivers. There have been about 65 million people in a United States who identify themselves as caregivers.On average, these unsung heroes spend twenty hours per week tending to friends or family members who have been chronically sick or have disabilities.November is National Family Caregivers Month, as well as you owe a gratitude to a kind souls who sacrifice so most for a good of others, mostly without acknowledgment.The Caregiving Profile
  • Sixty-five percent of older people with long-term care needs rest only on family as well as friends for assistance.
  • Women tend to endure their spouses as well as have less in conditions of early retirement assets as well as pensions, as well as have been some-more good to require long-term care themselves.
  • The average caregiver is age 46, female, married, as well as operative outside a home, earning about $35,000.
  • Women provide a majority of hands-on care as well as advocacy for family as well as friends. Informal care supposing by women is estimated to be value about $148 billion to $188 billion annually.
  • Caregiving on a unchanging basement mostly leads to mislaid wages or forced early retirement.
  • Many caregivers additionally pay for supplies as well as assistive devices for their desired ones.
  • The stress of caregiving in a long-term can result in aloft occurrence of anxiety, depression, or alternative illness issues. Caregivers might additionally neglect their own health.

Source: www.caregiver.orgNext: How You Can Help a Caregiver

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