101 Revolutionary Ways to Be Healthy

In Dec 2010, Experience Life launched RevolutionaryAct.com, a microsite desirous by a underline article as well as accompanying declaration in a January 2011 emanate of Experience Life magazine. Its formed upon a conviction which being full of illness is a revolutionary act a single which requires radical perspectives, unconventional choices as well as strong amicable support. We entice we to turn part of this certain movement vigilant upon creating a healthier universe by signing up at RevolutionaryAct.com. In a meantime, were vehement to share 101 Revolutionary Ways to Be Healthy with you.
  • Defy convention

    Do a full of illness thing, even when its challenging, untimely or deliberate weird. Take honour in that.
  • Buck trends

    Just since its renouned doesnt mean its smart or great for you. Enlist associate direction buckers as well as emanate a direction of your own.
  • Rage against a machine

    Use your full of illness disappointment about a unhealthy standing quo to hint creativity as well as determination.
  • Celebrate whats good

    Look for signs of swell (beyond pounds lost) as well as glory when we find them. Give yourself a pat upon a behind each time we have your illness a priority.
  • Repossess your health

    Reclaim shortcoming for your well-being; own your every day choices; minimize your faith upon a broken sick-care system.
  • Redefine your role

    You have been not a healthcare consumer. You have been a human being. You might be experiencing an illness or other illness plea right now, but remember which great illness is your bodys natural state.
  • Practice medicine without a license

    Research your own conditions as well as diagnosis alternatives, ask questions, as well as find second opinions with impunity. Leverage a expertise of lerned pros, but dont concede it to eclipse your own sensitive instincts about whats best for ! you.
  • Minimize symptom suppression

    Make whole-person vitality, contentment as well as essential element your goal. Partner with healthcare pros who understand as well as support your enterprise to be entirely full of illness with a smallest of medical intervention.
  • Safeguard your juju

    Dont let yourself get run down, depressed, negative or reactive. Thats when shield drops, inflammation rages, as well as unhealthy tendencies strike.
  • See a bigger picture

    Yes, this is about you, but your contentment additionally affects everyone as well as all around you. When we get healthier, everybody benefits.
  • Be part of a solution

    Its going to take a lot of strong, clear-headed, high-vitality people to solve a worlds problems. Be a single of them.
  • Go at your own pace

    A full of illness life is some-more a marathon than a sprint. So begin where we are. Choose sensible, tolerable shifts over instant cures as well as discerning fixes.
  • Be proactive

    If we feel a cold, flu or nasty headache entrance on, take shy maneuvers. Rest. Refuel. Reconnect. Rebuild your shield as well as vitality. Theres no heroism in ignoring your bodys needs.
  • Leverage your large whys

    Know a specific reasons your illness counts to you. Write them down where youll see them daily.
  • Raise your sights

    Dont get sucked in by obsessions with six-pack abs as well as buns of steel. Dont fool around compare a bodies. Fulfill your best-self vision.
  • Learn a skills

    Healthy, fit people have schooled how to be healthy. Learn those skills, use them, as well as youll be healthy, too.
  • Reap a rewards

    Look as well as feel better, sure. But additionally think better, smell better, give better, adore better, live better, be better.
  • Focus upon a fundamentals

    Drink water, eat great food, move, rest, relax, connect. Dont persperate a some-more formidable things until youve got a hold upon a basics! .
  • Fake it till we have it

    Dont nonetheless see yourself as a super-healthy person? Experiment with doing a small of what youd do if we were already magnificently full of illness as well as fit. As mostly as we can, act as if your commitment were unwavering.
  • Aim for 85%

    You dont have to have 100% full of illness choices all a time. Its what we do many of a time day in, day out which counts. The healthier we get, a simpler as well as some-more involuntary full of illness choices will become.
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