5 Signs You Should Break Up With Your Doctor

By Melanie Haiken, Caring.com senior editorRecently an interesting discussion has been taking place at Caring.com. The subject? What to do when the doctor isnt listening to you or the person youre caring for, not carrying out your wishes when it comes to treatment and medication choices, or recommending drugs or treatments that seem inappropriate for much older patients. Here are a few examples. LindaSD says her moms doctor tries to make her feel guilty when she asks to remove a medication from her moms regimen or refuses a procedure. Her mom, who is 90, is in late-stage Alzheimers, so she decided not to give Aricept and to refuse a colonoscopy, but had to fight those battles with the doctor who disagreed. Grannylove2 feels its important to honor her moms decision not to take Aricept for her advancing Alzheimers, and told a story of her mom being admitted to the ER for a cracked ankle, then falling off the bed while having X-rays and shattering her heel and arm. Anonymous says its important to find a doctor with geriatric experience, and you may need to change doctors if the relationship isnt working. If you dont know any doctors in your area with geriatric experience, you might try asking someone at a local senior center or assisted living facility; they usually have experience working with local doctors with expertise in aging. Oldylocks reminds everyone to get an irrevocable POA for medical decisions and make sure you or someone else attends all medical appointments to advocate for the elderly patient.Ive written a lot about medication mistakes and how deadly they can be. Ive also offered five must-do rules for preventing medication mistakes. Our resident geriatrician, Leslie Kernisan, MD, has also written a wonderful blog post explaining why doctors resist stopping dementia meds, and how to talk about this difficult subject.

Five Signs It May be Time to Break Up With Your Doctor o! riginall y appeared on Caring.com.

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