Today is a Very Special Day

A brand new year has a really special effect: it makes us feel similar to we have a possibility to begin over, to do things right this time, to have amends, to turn a person we really know we can be. Hence all those resolutions done with such determination.So why does it take a brand new year to have us feel similar to this? Why is it which for 364 days we live with regret, doubt, land upon to what we did wrong as well as wishing we hadnt, or forgetful of a destiny which can never happen because it doesnt exist?No have a difference how hard we would similar to to, there is a single thing we can never do as well as which is shift a past. We can weep, beat a fists opposite a wall, eat bars of chocolate to lessen a guilt, though it wont have a slightest bit of difference as well as wont have us feel any better. The past is gone, over, no more. done.Continuing to wish which a actions or words had been different equates to we are really not here in a benefaction though are living in what-could-have-been or what-might-have-been or if-only. If a past is as well painful or even as well boring, then we switch over to a future, which place of gigantic potential which we want to believe could be real, similar to wishful meditative or a daydream. We live in what-might-be or what-could-be.Of course we can sense from a past. Often a most painful knowledge turns out to be a most appropriate teacher; we can even feel gratitude for a knowledge as it taught us so much. Memories can be similar to comfortable aged shoes we are demure to part with. We can certainly put them upon right away as well as then, though we dont have to hang out in them upon a permanent basis.Instead we can shift a attitude toward what happened. Fully accepting which a past is irreversible as well as a destiny does not exist equates to we can essentially be in a benefaction moment. Finally we can only be here as well as now. Wow! What a relief! What a revelation!Today is a really special day. It has never happened before as well as it will never hap! pen agai n. And we have no idea what will come next. No a single can know it.So what a good time only to be here now! The perfect day to let a past rest where it is as well as let a destiny take caring of itself. As is each day. To knowledge only this moment, to compensate attention to a colors, sounds, smells as well as sensations. To compensate attention to your feelings, to alternative peoples feelings, as well as to have this day, this week, this month, as well as this year, a single of beauty as well as tenderness.What does being in a benefaction meant to you? Do comment below.Related:
Are You Here? Are You Now? Are You Present?
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Why Being in Your Heart is Better Than Being in Your Head****** You can sense some-more in a book, BE THE CHANGE: How Meditation Can Transform You as well as a World, forewords by a Dalai Lama as well as Robert Thurman, with contributors Marianne Williamson, Jane Fonda, Ram Dass, Byron Katie as well as others. Our 3 meditation CDs: MettaLoving kindness as well as Forgiveness; SamadhiBreath Awareness as well as Insight; as well as Yoga NidraInner Conscious Relaxation, are available at:

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