Detox Tricks for Healthy Weight Loss

Did the holiday season leave you feeling bloated and heavy? Did you have your cakes and eat them too? And drinks, cookies and turkey dinner too? Here are 10 detox tricks that can help you start the New Year right and restore your waistline.1. Drink at least 8-10 cups of pure water throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Excess food and drink during the holidays typically leads to dehydration, not to mention that dehydration is a chronic problem for most people. Add a high-quality oxygen supplement to the water. It helps to lessen the surface tension of the water, thereby more effectively re-hydrating your cells. At the same time it increases your oxygen intake since most people are deprived of adequate oxygen at the cellular level.10 Reasons to Drink More Water2. Take a high-quality B-complex and vitamin C supplement, both of which are depleted by alcohol consumption and the stress of the holidays.3. Eat plenty of fruitthe best food to keep your colon and lymphatic system cleansed and moving properly.4. Eat a large green salad for lunch and dinner. Add some lean protein like beans, chicken, nuts, or seeds to help stabilize your blood sugar levels.5. Eat a small healthy snack every two hours to stabilize blood sugar. Wild blood sugar fluctuations can deplete your energy, cause your body to gain weight, and depress your immune system, making you more vulnerable to those cold and flu bugs found in droves at most parties.Quick Cranberry Multi-Grain Bread
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