
Showing posts from February, 2011

We Dont Need EPA Regulations

Wait did I read that right? Are we better off without any emissions regulations from the EPA? Do we even need a cap and trade approach? According to Dick Morris of the Creators syndicate, the United States probably has already complied with the Kyoto/Copenhagen goals for reduced emissions without taxes, without regulations and without government intervention.Seriously? Lyman is talking about the $46 million Obama just gave to the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and reporting requirements, even as he cut hundreds of millions to other EPA programs. Cutting emissions is clearly a priority for the President, who has pushed for the U.S. to cut our emissions to 5.0 billion metric tons of carbon by 2015.But where does Morris get off saying that we are better off without the EPA setting regulations?He begins by noting the total carbon emissions in the past three years:In 2007: 6.12 billion metric tons of carbon In 2008: 5.92 billion In 2009: 5.5 billionHe then predicts that whe...

6 Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep

By Shannon Sexton, Yoga InternationalWe are a sleep-starved nation. About 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia, and according to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly seven out of ten report frequent sleeping problemsalthough most remain undiagnosed.Alarmed? You should be. As Stanford University sleepdebt expert William C. Dement, MD, PhD, warns: Lost sleep accumulates as a debt that must be repaid or health eventually deteriorates. This year, the Institute of Medicine released a report linking sleep disorders and sleep deprivation to a host of ills, including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.Scientists are confirming what yogis and ayurvedic physicians have reported for centuries: deep sleep rests the body and the mind. Our daily dose of shut-eye regulates our weight, strengthens our immunity, protects our cardiovascular health, repairs our tissues and cells, and restores our energy. Sleep also allows us to process, consol...

Recreational Drug Salvia May be Banned

The hallucinogenic plant salvia, sometimes known as Seers Sage or Diviners Sage may be banned in Canada soon.Some noted effects of salvia are:* Uncontrollable laughter * Past memories, such as revisiting places from childhood memory * Sensations of motion, or being pulled or twisted by forces * Visions of membranes, films and various two-dimensional surfaces * Merging with or becoming objects * Overlapping realities, such as the perception of being in several locations at onceSalvia has been traditionally used by the Mazatec in Mexico to induce visions associated with spiritual experiences. The plant is native to Oaxaca and grows naturally at elevations of 1,000 to 6,000 feet. Mazatecs are the indigenous people of the Oxaca area. They have been known to use a variety of plants such as morning glory seeds, coleus leaves, psilocybe mushrooms in addition to salvia for religious rituals.In Canada and the United States, youth have been using salvia in a recreational way at parties, but in M...

Unleash Your Authentic Sensual Self SHAMELESSLY

When I was a practicing gynecologist, a huge proportion of my patients admitted to feeling sexually unsatisfied when I gave them permission to express their authentic feelings. Now that Ive transitioned from seeing gynecology patients to working with coaching clients, Im seeing the same thing. So many of us feel a restlessness, a sense of yearning, a longing for something perhaps we feel we dont quite deserve. We may love our partners and enjoy the intimacy we do have, and yet we have long suppressed the wild pony that bucks and kicks within us.When I went to Sheila Kelleys S Factor retreat last fall, I had the privilege of personally experiencing and witnessing in other women what happens when you invite your erotic creature to come out and dance. Within every women lies an authentic sexual being, but many of us dont know this part of ourselves at all. What we do know of this woman may terrify us. We may shame her into silence and banish her to the back recesses of our mi...

Is Gluten Bad For You?

Gluten-free diets are being touted as the solution to everything from digestive troubles to excess fat. But before you hop on the bandwagon, read this By Karen Ansel, R.D., Womens Health Chelsea Clintons wedding got a lot of press play a few months ago for the gorgeous locale, the esteemed guests, and her beautiful dress. But what also took the cake in terms of media coverage was, well, the cake. The gluten-free cake.Just 10 years ago, barely anyone knew what the word gluten meant, let alone gave any thought to avoiding it. But now gluten-free diet menusare all the rage, and high-profile stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Rachel Weisz, and Victoria Beckham have been linked to the gluten-free lifestyle, which is said to contribute to increased energy, thinner thighs, and reduced belly bloat.No more yo-yo dieting. Why all fad diets fail. What It Is, Exactly Gluten is a protein found in the grains wheat, barley, and rye. Most of us unknowingly love it, because gluten gives our favor...

Facing the Demons of Inaction

By Gregg Krech, Experience LifeMost of the reasons for procrastination have to do with internal barriers like fear, anxiety, indecision, perfectionism, etc. I call these barriers the Demons of Inaction.If we feel anxious about going for a job interview, we cant will ourselves to feel relaxed and confident. If we experience doing our income taxes as frustrating and tedious, we cant just snap our fingers and suddenly find the task satisfying and exciting. But if we adjust our action, and act in the face of our feelings, generally those feelings will change or subside naturally much faster than if we explored or mulled or worried for a long period, but failed to act.Traditional therapies generally suggest that you must conquer these demons through various strategies, such as insight, self-talk, motivation or increased self-esteem. But Morita Therapy is less about conquering than about coexisting with.Morita Therapy doesnt ask you to examine how you feel. Morita assumes that whatever you...

10 Make-Ahead Meals to Bring to Family or Friends

By Melanie Haiken, senior editorWhen a family member or friend is sick or in need of help, its a time-honored tradition to deliver a home-cooked meal. But it can be daunting to think about what to bring to another family, and its all too easy to make unintentional mistakes when youre just trying to be helpful. Here are ten ideas for meals that even the most kitchen-challenged can manage: 1. Perfect pasta For many of us, pasta is the first thing that comes to mind when theres a big group to feed, and no wonder who doesnt like pasta? Spaghetti with tomato sauce is safest if there are kids in the household, but any bowl of pasta with sauce will go over well. Ravioli is always a hit; for a more exotic version, try cheese tortellini with tomato or pesto sauce. Make a big loaf of garlic bread to go with it, and add a simple Caesar or garden salad if you want to make it a complete meal. 5 Foods That Sabotage Your Sleep >> 2. Chicken soup for the soul Studies show chicken sou...

Identifying Your Inner Critic

Every time you dont follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss off energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. Shakti Gawain Youve heard that voice before, the one that shows up uninvited and lets you know just how inadequate you are. (Did you really think that idea was any good? How could you have been so stupid? You call that art? Looks like kindergarten work to me.) And I sound polite compared with the mind lashing some of you give yourselves. The inner critic is alive and well, always close by to help keep you from moving forward.Yet in some cases, despite or maybe even because of our critic, we do move forward, overcoming great obstacles to accomplish something significant in our lives. Some people give their inner critic a special name for immediate recognition. My good friend Patty, an actress and businesswoman, calls hers Jezebel (or Jezzy, for short). Jezzy will show up to sabotage a performance, a business deal, or any attempt to have a loving relationship. Ive kno...

Chemical in Canned Foods Could Be Toxic

A report claims that canned food exposes us to a harmful chemical at levels high enough to cause real damage. By Emily Main, Your can of soup could put your health at risk, and not just because it contains way too much salt. A report published by the National Workgroup for Safe Markets, a coalition of public- and environmental health-advocacy groups, reveals that cans of food expose people to dangerous levels of bisphenol A (BPA), a hormone-disrupting chemical that has been linked to everything from childhood aggression to obesity and heart disease. THE DETAILS: Consumer Reports conducted similar tests on BPA in canned food a few months ago, but this new report, titled No Silver Lining, looks at the levels in canned food products as well as how much BPA an average person would ingest from eating the foods packaged in those cans. The authors collected 50 samples of canned food from home pantries in 19 states and one Canadian province, and had them tested by an indep...

Tai Chi to Lose Weight and Ease Depression

The University of Queensland, Australia has released an exciting study for anyone looking to lose weight. Researchers found that the gentle, yet powerful, exercise known as tai chi helps with obesity and excess weight, in a number of ways. The scientists discovered that tai chi: Improves body mass index (BMIan indicator for healthy weight); Reduces the amount of abdominal fat and overall waist measurements; Improves blood sugar balancea critical element for maintaining a healthy weight or to lose weight; Reduces high blood pressure; Significantly reduces depression; and Improves the bodys use of insulin (insulin resistance)a significant factor for weight gain and diabetes, among other serious health conditions. Founded in China thousands of years ago, tai chi is a graceful set of gentle movements designed to improve the flow of chienergythroughout the body, promoting health and healing. This form of exercise is suitable for most people, including those suffering from injuries and illne...

Discovering the Anatomy of Arousal

Sheri Winston is one of the most enlightened sexual education teachers in the country, and the award-winning author of Womens Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure . Through her Wholistic Sexuality curriculum, she provides some of the most comprehensive, accessible and empowering information about sexuality. With over twenty years as a midwife and nurse, her life-long education into the birthing process inspired and revolutionized her understanding about sexual health.Sheri is now retired from clinical practice to focus full time on teaching workshops and counseling through the Center for the Intimate Arts. She also lectures and makes appearances around the country to talk about sex and teach her Wholistic Sexuality curriculum which includes over 50 classes. Sheri believes her twenty years in womens health care have given her an excellent foundation for sexuality education and counseling, and which has formed her unique approach. She has also studied a wide variety of holi...

Fish Found to Regenerate Heart Tissue

Zebrafish have a very valuable ability they can repair up to 20 percent of their heart muscle within weeks of sustaining damage. One researcher believes the heart-mending ability is due to the presence of a protein called thymosine beta-4, which stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and heart tissue. When zebrafish heart tissue is damaged, a blood clot is generated to stop bleeding around it. Then the clot is engulfed by the covering to the heart, which stimulates the regeneration of the area with the damaged tissue. Eventually, the new tissue is integrated back into the entire heart. They dont only regrow heart tissue, however. It has been observed they also can regenerate fins, skin and eye cells.Many, if not most, Care2 members are adamantly opposed to using animals in medical research, so some may not be happy to learn that a medical research foundation is studying zebrafish in hopes of finding a way of repairing human hearts as well. They are investing millions in the study ...

Cure for the Common Cold

I know cure is a strong wordbut when it comes to the common cold, anything close to helping would be appreciated, thank you very much. So lets not call it a cure, but a new study has found that zinc supplements reduce the severity and duration of illness caused by the common cold.According to a systematic review published in The Cochrane Library, zinc syrup, lozenges or tablets taken within a day of the onset of cold symptoms reduce the severity and length of illness. At seven days, more of the patients who took zinc had cleared their symptoms compared to those who took placebos. Children who took zinc syrup or lozenges for five months or longer caught fewer colds and took less time off school. Zinc also reduced antibiotic use in children, which is so important given the overuse implications for antibiotic resistance.This review strengthens the evidence for zinc as a treatment for the common cold, said lead researcher Meenu Singh of the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and ...

6 Feng Shui Donts

By the author of Small Changes, Dynamic Results! Feng Shui for the Western World Creating a harmonious, inspiring and safe home that lifts your spirits, supports and inspires will set the stage for you to go out into the world and soar. Take care of these six Feng Shui recommendations, and you will be well on your way to creating a HOME run in your life! 1. Dont have a plain and/or unattractive entrance to your home. The entryway is considered the important mouth of chi where all of our opportunities come to us. So fix it up, make it inviting and the opportunities will start finding their way to you as well! (For how to do this see my article on How to Attract Opportunities) 2. Dont have unfriendly furniture and objects in your home. Feng Shui deals with the subtle and obvious. Our primitive instincts warn us to be on alert when something unsafe is in the room. Weapons should be locked up and kept out of sight. Kitchen knives should be hidden from view and sharp, Knife-edged furniture ...

Are You in Love With an Emotional Vampire?

By Dr. Judith OrloffPeople we love can sometimes drain us the most. Our mates may not be trying to do this, but lifes demands add up. For instance, at the end of a long day, he or she might come home in a negative mood or is needy and overbearing. Sometimes the draining behavior may go beyond this, when they become argumentative or hurtful.As a psychiatrist, I help my patients address these behaviors with their mates in a tactful, loving way to find positive solutions. Learning this skill is a wonderful Valentines Day resolution to make in February, the month of love, and throughout the year.In my book, Emotional Freedom , I present different types of emotional vampires and how to combat them. An emotional vampire is someone who drains your energy. How do you know if youre in love with one? The tip-off is that you often get tired around your mate and feel like taking a nap. Also, after an encounter, you feel sapped and they look more alive. Here I will describe the common types inroma...

Ideal Body Types in 9 Countries

By Kate Carter, DivineCarolineAmericas on a yo-yo diet and its ugly. It seems there isnt much of a happy medium between all-you-can-eat buffet lovers with bursting bellies and image-obsessed scale jumpers who dip leaves into a drop of balsamic vinegar and call it a meal.We are an obese nation with a high rate of eating disorders. Our schizophrenia hit home the other week when two teachers at my sons daycare, weighing in for an employee biggest loser competition modeled after the reality television show, cooed over his ample thighs and told me they hope I have a fat little baby girl one day.Five Reality Shows That InspireWere confused, were too fat, and were too image-obsessed. Weve got it all wrong, so I decided to look into what is going on in other regions of the worldfrom Tonga to Toulouse, France. There are some inspirational examples, and some scary ones, too. SpainPower to the Pear-Shaped The Spanish government recently measured the bodies of more than 10,000 women to help create...

Can Food Heal The World?

The Lunch Love Community project tells the story of the school lunch revolution in Berkeley, CA.Our Western world has never been so well informed about food, nutrition and its impact on health as it is today. When it comes to making the right eating choices, however, all this knowledge bears little weight if one can judgefor instanceby the relentless worsening of the obesity and diabetes epidemic.This is because dietary norms are deeply rooted in social values. And just as social values are difficult and slow to change, so are our eating habits.Food rules are never really about food, they express cultural values, Charlotte Biltekoff, an associate professor of American Studies at UC Davis Food Science & Technology Program, said recently at an event in Berkeley. The small crowd in attendance had come to watch a documentary in the making about the story of the school lunch revolution at the local Unified School District (BUSD). I can only speculate that most people present were intern...

6 Steps for Saving a Wet Cell Phone

By Minyanville, DivineCarolineIt happens. You put your cell phone on a table and someone knocks over a drink. Or you leave it outside on the deck and it rains all night. Or you visit the bathroom, take that must-answer phone call from work andoops!there it is, submerged in six inches of flushable water.Assuming youre brave enough to retrieve your phone from wherever it lands, what do you do next?Do you shake it out as best you can and try turning it back on? (Not recommended. The moisture might cause permanent damage). Do you look for the nearest microwave to dry it out? (NO!) Or do you take it back to the T-Mobile, Sprint, or AT&T phone shop and hope water damage is covered by the warranty? (Prepare to be disappointed!)There is another way to go. If you act quickly, its possible the phone can be saved. Heres what you should do:1. Immediately remove the battery. (If you own an iPhone, skip this step. The battery is not removable).2. If you have a removable SIM card, take that out a...

Hemp Milk

For various and sundry reasons, mostly out of dismay with the dairy industry and their treatment of cows, Ive been drinking alternative milks: soy milk, almond milk and rice milk, to varying degrees of satisfaction. Wait, whats wrong with cows milk, you ask? Heres a snippet from a longer article on Petas website, Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do: to nourish their young. In order to force the animals to continue giving milk, factory farm operators typicallyimpregnate them using artificial insemination every year. Calves are generally taken from their mothers within a day of being born. After their calves are taken from them, mother cows are hooked up, several times a day, to milking machines. Using genetic manipulation, powerful hormones, and intensive milking, factory farmers force cows to produce about 10 times as much milk as they would naturally.But back to the story on hemp milk, which makes me happy (the dairy industry does not). Soy was great, until...

6 Foods That Weaken Bones

By Melanie Haiken, senior editor What you eat plays a big role in whether youre getting the nutrients you need to build strong bones. What might surprise you, though, is that your diet can also play a role in sapping bone strength. Some foods actually leach the minerals right out of the bone, or they block the bones ability to regrow. Here, the six biggest bone-sappers: 1. Salt Salt saps calcium from the bones, weakening them over time. For every 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, you lose about 40 milligrams of calcium, dietitians say. One study compared postmenopausal women who ate a high-salt diet with those who didnt, and the ones who ate a lot of salt lost more bone minerals. Our American diet is unusually salt-heavy; most of us ingest double the 2,300 milligrams of salt we should get in a day, according to the 2005 federal dietary guidelines. What to do: The quickest, most efficient way to cut salt intake is to avoid processed foods. Research shows that most Am...

Eat to Win: The Weird World of Competitive Eating

I recently just completed a three-week elimination diet that required me to, not only cut my consumption of the foods I love, but cut out a multitude of foods that I could possibly be sensitive to (wheat, dairy, sugar, caffeine, eggs, soy, etc). One thing that these diets do for me is making me tremendously more mindful about what, and how, I am eating. I am guilty of eating often and eating mindlessly, but not to excess. However, for a portion of the population eating excessive amounts of food is not only appealing, but also intensely sporting.I am talking about competitive eating. Unlike competitive cooking (think Top Chef and the dwindling array of other reality-based cooking shows), competitive eating is about eating as much as humanly possible in the shortest time possible. This sort of eating consists of everything from hot dogs to bowls of mayonnaise, and many people (the world over) treat it as a serious sport, as well as a discipline. One of most notable competitions occurs an...

Tantric Sex Tips Love Kit Giveaway!

On this day of love, our resident loveologist Wendy Strgar would like to add a little love and spice to your life. In addition to this titillating excerpt on tantric sex from her new book, Love That Works: A Guide to Enduring Intimacy, Wendy is giving away two gift sets from her company, Good Clean Love.Along with a copy of the book, the kit includes a Lubricant Play Pack and Love Oil Sampler (which each include all three flavors) which will allow you to be ready for whatever mood you and your partner are in. The Edible Body Candy will sweeten any kissable spots you are looking to rediscover.This set ensures that you will have the tools to take your intimacy to new levels. Check out this excerpt and leave a comment for your chance to win one of these sexy love kits! Tantra for the Uninitiated Simon and Emily were busy people. They lived in San Francisco, and in their early thirties were at exciting times in their careers: Their lives were a series of work trips, networking dinners and ...

The 9 Types of Intelligence

One of the smartest people I know cant spell worth beans (or, benes as I am pretty sure she would write) and has a particular way of pronouncing foreign-based words (sorbet is soibert ; caf au lait is coffee oh loddy ). Meanwhile, my friend who can speak five languages is entirely flummoxed when it comes time to calculate the tip for a waiter.So whats going on with these two brainiacsam I, simply, surrounded by idiot savants? Not according to Dr. Howard Gardener who developed the theory of multiple intelligences, going beyond the IQ test to discover the many ways humans are smart. He identified intelligent abilities including language, music, spatial reference, kinesthesia, naturalistic, and possibly existential intelligence. Gardners definitions include ways to improve your weaker areasstrengthening your brain. Learningeven about learningreduces the risk of Alzheimers says the American Academy of Neurology.These are Gardners nine types of intelligence, as described in A Better Brain a...

5 Ways to Get Out of Debt

From Experience LifeAmericans are wallowing in debt like never before. Counting all types of debt, from mortgages to student loans to credit cards, three out of four of us are in the red, according to the Federal Reserves 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances. In the first quarter of 2008, average household consumer debt (not including mortgages) amounted to more than $19,000, according to Federal Reserve data. While the current economic crisis has tightened restrictions on lending and led to a slight decrease in average personal debt load, falling home prices, negative net worth and stagnant wages have made existing debts all the more challenging to wrestle into submission. And most experts predict the current recession will be protracted and harsh.The strain that debt puts on personal finances is significant, but thats not the whole story. What the headlines rarely mention is the high toll debt exacts on our mental and physical well-being.Two surveys last year hinted at the br...

Love Animal Style: Cutest Cuddling Critters (Photos)

Some of us, not naming any names here, might not have a Valentines date this year. So maybe this person doesnt want to write all about green love-this and sustainable love-that. I mean, whats she supposed to write about: what organic champagne not to drink when you dont have a date? Or, say, what seasonal chocolate desserts not to make for your non-existent partner? Maybe what would make this hypothetical writer happywhen she wishes Eros arrows might actually inflict bodily harmwould be to focus on really super cute pictures of really super cute cuddling animals! So in an effort not to be too cynical about Cupid and his little romantic shenanigans, without further ado: some really super cute Valentine-love from the animal kingdom. Purrrr. < 1 of 9 >

Best Bath for Your Skin Type

By Lindsey Galloway, Natural Solutions magazineEuropeans have long known the true origin of the word spa: Aanitas per agua, or health through water. Before facials and massages became synonymous with spas, bathing was the premier avenue to personal wellness and whole-body detoxification. The citizens of ancient Rome considered a daily bath their civic duty to maintain public health. Since the late 1700s and through to the present day, German physicians have prescribed to stressed patients a kur (cure or treatment) consisting of one bath a day for 10 to 20 days. And since the end of the 19th century, the French have indulged in thalassotherapy baths, which harness the anti-aging powers of ocean water and seaweed.Health Benefits of Epsom Salt BathsIn America, weve just begun to catch on to the skin-saving benefits of relaxing baths, says Andria Roth, lead aesthetician at Oasis Spa in Woodinville, Washington. Recent studies have directly correlated annoying skin problems like acne and ecz...

The Pleasure Factory

Think youve got him all figured out below the belt? Think again. Our man-atomy review is filled with little-known facts that will lead to big pleasure for him and guaranteed satisfaction for you. By Steve Mazzucchi, Womens Health I thought writing about my below the belt anatomy would be easy. After all, Ive had access to the equipment for 29 years. But the very first expert I spoke with told me something I didnt know: Theres a difference between ejaculation and orgasm, says Edward Ratush, M.D., creator of There is? And the more experts I called, the more I learned. Three kinds of erections? Guys faking it? A male body part called the raphe? Once my head stopped spinning, I put together this explanatory guide to a mans twig and berries. Get ready to double your pleasure and teach the guy in your life a thing or two about what hes made of. The Big Fella The penis is far more complex than the fresh Polish sausage it resembles. At the top is the nerve-packed, he...

Determine Your Target Heart Rate

If youre like most people, youve probably heard that you should be exercising within a target heart rate, yet you dont know what that number should be. Or, maybe youre relying on a heart rate device that is using an outdated formula to calculate target heart rate. This may mean that you might be working too hard when you exercise. To dispel the confusion, heres how to calculate your target heart rate for exercise:Multiply your age by 88% (0.88). Subtract that number from 206. Your target heart rate should be within 65 to 85 percent of that number.So, heres how it would work for a 40-year old person:40 multiplied by 0.88=35.2206-35.2=170.8170.8 multiplied by 0.65= 111.02 (the low end of the target heart rate range)170.8 multiplied by 0.85=145.18 (the upper end of the target heart rate range)So a 40-year olds target heart rate would be 111 to 145. If you have any health conditions you should check with your physician before beginning an exercise regime. The target heart rate should alway...

Foods that Boost Brain Power

By Pamela Harding, Natural SolutionsCan some foods really make you more intelligent, have smarter kids, improve your memory, help you think more clearly, and perhaps even forestall the onset of those so-called senior momentsor worse, dementia?The answer is yes, provided you take a balanced, holistic approach to nutrition and dont get hung up on magic-bullet thinkingthe belief that eating specific foodsor even supplements of isolated components found in some foodsis going to instantly boost your brain power or make your kid a genius.Its all about balance and moderation, says Patrick Sullivan, PhD, Associate Professor, Geriatrics, at Duke Universitys Department of Medicine. Sullivan says that so-called brain foods also deliver nutrients that are good for your heart, liver, and kidneys. The body was designed to use a variety of building blocks in foods to maintain optimal health overallnot to use one for the brain or heart or one specifically for the kidney, he explains. You really need t...

The (Sex) Talk

A few weeks ago, I did it. I had The Talk with my 10-year-old daughter. Id been semi-anxious about this for the past few years, unsure as to when the best time would be to have the puberty talk, the sex talk. Not yet thinking about her potential questions, I had so many of my own: Do you have the puberty and sex talks separately? Both at the same time? Whats enough info? Whats too much? Whats the right age?Like many women of my generation, my recollections of The Talk were none too empowering. I remember that day in fifth grade when the boys and girls were separated, and we watched an animated film showing an egg floating down a fallopian tube, and all the rest of it. Then, I believe we were handed a sanitary napkin, and basically told, Good luck. Some time later, at home, one of my sisters who is more than ten years my senior, sat me down with some paper and drew some pictures, reiterating what the film had taught me about the mechanics of the menstrual cycle, but then she went furthe...

9 Bizarre Ways to Die

By Cassandra Evanas, DivineCarolineAs Grandpa Simpson of The Simpsons will tell you, Death stalks you at every turn! And its not just through heart disease, cancer, and those other oft-quoted causes. Did you know you could also die by wearing the wrong bra in a lightning storm? Read on for tragic, bizarre, and downright stupid fatal tales. 1. When Good Bras Go Bad I knew to steer clear of big sheets of metal and barbed-wire fences during a lightning storm, but I didnt know to avoid my bra, too! It seems odd that one of your instincts should be to unhook and let the girls roam free when lightning strikes, but thats exactly what two women who died in London should have done. According to the New York Times, they were struck and killed by lightning because of their underwire bras. < 1 of 9 >

4 Ways to Green Your Yoga Routine

Yoga is all about that mind-body-spirit connection, and what better way to complete that relationship than making sure that your practice is as good for the planet as it is for your soul! From the clothes we wear to the places we practice and props we choose, there are plenty of places to green that yoga routine. >>Next: Finding yoga clothing thats good for the Earth Image Credit: Creative Commons photo by Canon in 2D < 1 of 5 >

Whats for Dinner? 5 Questions to Help You Figure It Out

Isnt that always the question? Every day? And a challenge for the cook, too. Sometimes its easy and sometimes its hard, but its got to be answered one way or the other if people want to eat. I ask myself that question about five times a week. The other two nights, Im either traveling or were eating out. But five nights a week is still a lot of nights to find the answer to the question of whats for dinner.So I will share with you my process for deciding. Consider it a food triage system. 1. First question: Whats fresh? Did I just go food-shopping and get fresh fish? Are there salad greens or veggies that are still good and need to be eaten? What expiration dates are closing in on food in the fridge that needs to be dealt with? Thats where I start to build my dinner. Those ingredients determine the meal, unless there is nothing freshthen I ask the next question: 80 expert tips and techniques for selecting the freshest, ripest produce, from your garden or at the market. 2. Whats in th...

Top 10 Animal Lovers

There comes a time in everyones life when theyre taught about the birds and the bees, but the actual birds, bees and others looking for love in the animal world are everything from picky and proud to brutal and bizarre. For these creatures, getting it on is not always about romance, but often in the name of survival. Find out who made the Top 10 Animal Lovers list, but consider yourself warned: their qualifications may bring out more the Huh? or the Ew! and less of the Aw, isnt that sweet!? 10. Tasmanian Devil The devil in this little critters name may be due to its rather rough and tumble approach to courtship. On top of having a mating call that could shatter glass, the Tasmanian devil also has a nasty temper and will throw down with anything that gets in its way even a potential mate! Good thing this dalliance only lasts three days, at which point the she-devil has finally had enough and kicks Mr. Wonderful to the curb. Guess it comes as no surprise that these charmer...

5 Pregnancy Food Rules by Dr. Sears (Video)

The famous pediatrician and best-selling author Dr. Bob Sears shares his 5 most important things that every pregnant women should know about food in this new Parent Earth video. He addresses questions about weight gain, foods to avoid, foods to combat morning sickness, and the importance of diet during pregnancy. This is a great food advice for pregnant women who want to be aware of what that eat and make the best food choices for their baby. 5 Pregnancy Food Rules: 1) Gain about 4 lbs in first trimester then about a pound a week for the rest of your pregnancy 2) Eat twice as much protein as an average person (about 100 grams a day) 3) Avoid fish with mercury 4) Eat organic as much as possible 5) Find Your Feel Better Foods: ginger lemons raspberry leaf tea peppermint potatoes rice cakes grapes chamomile tea apple sauce rhubarb sorbet crackers pears celery carrots oatmeal This video was made by Parent Earth with sponsorship from Happy Baby and Stonyfield Farms. Care2...

Sustainable Yoga Mats

I have started a new-to-me yoga class. It is Mysore Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, and is taught in the method of K. Pattabhi Jois who was from Mysore, India. It is a practice based on breathing and aligning the breath with the asanas.Predictably, when trying to jump through from downward dog into a sitting position, I would prefer my yoga mat not to break off in little grey pieces that stick to my pants and flake off onto my hands. I would also like my mat not to stick to the floor, making a terribly loud, ffrrraaapppp sound in the middle of everyone elses practice, when I have to move over to make room or move to do my restorative poses. My inexpensive-and-lived-in-Costa-Rica for a year mat does just these things and needs desperately to be replaced. My husband is gunning for a woven mat of some sort and I am curious to see what is out there in terms of sustainably made, non-toxic yoga mats.A few things you should know about any mat: The inexpensive plastic ones may have some nasty stuff in ...

What Does Your Birth Order Say About You?

By, DivineCarolineDoes birth order shape our personalities? Scientists the world over have spent countless words and oceans of ink debating the issue of nature versus nurture. But how your child develops might have as much to do with the order in which they were born, as it does with their genes or environment.Alfred Adler, a contemporary of Freud and Jung, first put forth the idea, claiming that when a child is born deeply impacts their personality. According to Adler: Eldest children are socially dominant, highly intellectual, and extremely conscientious. Unfortunately, theyre also less open to new ideas, and prone to perfectionism and people pleasingthe result of losing both parents undivided attention at an early age, and working throughout their lives to get it back. Middle children , sandwiched between older and younger siblings, often develop a competitive nature, making them natural entrepreneurs later in life. They tend to be the most diplomatic and flexible mem...