We Dont Need EPA Regulations
Wait did I read that right? Are we better off without any emissions regulations from the EPA? Do we even need a cap and trade approach? According to Dick Morris of the Creators syndicate, the United States probably has already complied with the Kyoto/Copenhagen goals for reduced emissions without taxes, without regulations and without government intervention.Seriously? Lyman is talking about the $46 million Obama just gave to the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and reporting requirements, even as he cut hundreds of millions to other EPA programs. Cutting emissions is clearly a priority for the President, who has pushed for the U.S. to cut our emissions to 5.0 billion metric tons of carbon by 2015.But where does Morris get off saying that we are better off without the EPA setting regulations?He begins by noting the total carbon emissions in the past three years:In 2007: 6.12 billion metric tons of carbon In 2008: 5.92 billion In 2009: 5.5 billionHe then predicts that whe...