5 Pregnancy Food Rules by Dr. Sears (Video)

The famous pediatrician and best-selling author Dr. Bob Sears shares his 5 most important things that every pregnant women should know about food in this new Parent Earth video. He addresses questions about weight gain, foods to avoid, foods to combat morning sickness, and the importance of diet during pregnancy. This is a great food advice for pregnant women who want to be aware of what that eat and make the best food choices for their baby.5 Pregnancy Food Rules:1) Gain about 4 lbs in first trimester then about a pound a week for the rest of your pregnancy2) Eat twice as much protein as an average person (about 100 grams a day)3) Avoid fish with mercury4) Eat organic as much as possible5) Find Your Feel Better Foods:
  • ginger
  • lemons
  • raspberry leaf tea
  • peppermint
  • potatoes
  • rice cakes
  • grapes
  • chamomile tea
  • apple sauce
  • rhubarb
  • sorbet
  • crackers
  • pears
  • celery
  • carrots
  • oatmeal
This video was made by Parent Earth with sponsorship from Happy Baby and Stonyfield Farms. Care2 is a media partner.Watch more videos in this series about babies, kids, and healthy eating featuring Dr. Bob Sears.Related:
Is It Healthy to Raise a Vegetarian Baby?
Dangers of Aspartame for Pregnant Women
Are Special Pregnancy Menus Necessary?
ParentEarth.com has great videos about food for parents and pregnant women on everything from cooking and gardening to nutrition and behavior. Our mission is to answer parents' questions about food and create a world that nurtures healthy, thriving children.

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