Facing the Demons of Inaction

By Gregg Krech, Experience LifeMost of the reasons for procrastination have to do with internal barriers like fear, anxiety, indecision, perfectionism, etc. I call these barriers the Demons of Inaction.If we feel anxious about going for a job interview, we cant will ourselves to feel relaxed and confident. If we experience doing our income taxes as frustrating and tedious, we cant just snap our fingers and suddenly find the task satisfying and exciting. But if we adjust our action, and act in the face of our feelings, generally those feelings will change or subside naturally much faster than if we explored or mulled or worried for a long period, but failed to act.Traditional therapies generally suggest that you must conquer these demons through various strategies, such as insight, self-talk, motivation or increased self-esteem. But Morita Therapy is less about conquering than about coexisting with.Morita Therapy doesnt ask you to examine how you feel. Morita assumes that whatever youre feeling, by focusing on it and picking it apart, youre actually more likely to intensify it. It also assumes theres no real reason to change it.One of the main tenets of Morita Therapy is that our internal experiences our feelings and thoughts are inherent, essential and acceptable parts of us. They make us uniquely who we are, and they are largely uncontrollable by our will. By attempting to find their source, to adjust or eliminate them, we only amplify them and extend their natural life.Rather than attempting to vanquish your anxiety about the job interview or examining it ad nauseam, you simply note your anxiety, accept it as normal for you, and then take it along for the ride.Western therapy suggests that we must fix our feelings before we can take action. Morita Therapy recommends that we accept the presence of our feelings, and if a particular action is important to us to our success, our expression, our priorities th! at we mo ve forward anyway. When you learn to do this, the demons lose much of their power, and many of the causes of our inaction naturally dissolve into constructive effort.
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