By Minyanville, DivineCarolineIt happens. You put your cell phone on a table and someone knocks over a drink. Or you leave it outside on the deck and it rains all night. Or you visit the bathroom, take that must-answer phone call from work andoops!there it is, submerged in six inches of flushable water.Assuming youre brave enough to retrieve your phone from wherever it lands, what do you do next?Do you shake it out as best you can and try turning it back on? (Not recommended. The moisture might cause permanent damage). Do you look for the nearest microwave to dry it out? (NO!) Or do you take it back to the T-Mobile, Sprint, or AT&T phone shop and hope water damage is covered by the warranty? (Prepare to be disappointed!)There is another way to go. If you act quickly, its possible the phone can be saved. Heres what you should do:1. Immediately remove the battery. (If you own an iPhone, skip this step. The battery is not removable).2. If you have a removable SIM card, take that out as well. Even if your phone is beyond repair, you should be able to retrieve most of the informationlike your phone bookthats stored on your SIM card.