By Blythe Copeland, TreeHuggerEssential oils have their place secured in a natural beauty routine: Theyre natural, chemical-free alternatives to everything from traditional cosmetics to potentially toxic fragrances. But many can do a lot more than just smell good: While we cant say with authority the 10 oils highlighted here are miracle cures, throughout history theyve been credited with treating problems including digestion issues and acne; increasing concentration; killing germs and much more.
PeppermintThe bright scent of peppermint does more than freshen your breath: It is also used to soothe nausea and other stomach issues, help stop itching, and cool overworked muscles (thanks to the menthol).Add drops of peppermint oil to a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam to fight congestion, or rub diluted oil into sore muscles. And thats not all: Peppermint is a key ingredient in oil mixtures that fight PMS, act as an all-natural alternative to VapoRub, cool sore throats, and quiet headaches and its often credited with increasing concentration, so ideal for a mid-afternoon alternative to coffee pick-me-up.