9 Bizarre Ways to Die

By Cassandra Evanas, DivineCarolineAs Grandpa Simpson of The Simpsons will tell you, Death stalks you at every turn! And its not just through heart disease, cancer, and those other oft-quoted causes. Did you know you could also die by wearing the wrong bra in a lightning storm? Read on for tragic, bizarre, and downright stupid fatal tales.1. When Good Bras Go Bad
I knew to steer clear of big sheets of metal and barbed-wire fences during a lightning storm, but I didnt know to avoid my bra, too! It seems odd that one of your instincts should be to unhook and let the girls roam free when lightning strikes, but thats exactly what two women who died in London should have done. According to the New York Times, they were struck and killed by lightning because of their underwire bras.
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