Can Beer Promote Weight Loss? Advertising and Alcohol
I can understand the claim that a glass of red wine per day can reduce stress levels, aid heart health, and even provide some much needed antioxidants. But the wealth of health claims now being advertised by alcohol companies has gone too far.A new report, Questionable Health Claims by Alcohol Companies: From Protein Vodka to Weight-Loss Beer. seen on Food Politics and done by the Marin Institute is shedding some light on some shady claims.Keep in mind that the alcohol industry isnt regulated by the FDA, rather, its regulated by the Treasury Department. This is a result of the fact that the industry brings in a lot of money.The report focused on false claims such as my favorite, weight loss beer. According to the report:
Examples-Lotus White is infused with vitamins B3, B6, B9, and B12 and Devotion a protein-infused ultra premium vodka.Antioxidant Liqueur
Fragoli is a liqueur thats loaded with antioxidant-laden berries.All Natural Spirits
Spirits have done little to change their product but are now making claims that they are All Natural. including companies like Absolut, Skyy, Stoli, and Finlandia vodka.Weight Loss Beers
These include beers like Michelob Ultra, which want you to Lose the Carbs, Not the Taste.Its certainly an interesting discussion to have especially because! our bu ying patterns are so closely tied to such advertisements. But at some point you have to take a step back and look at what youre believing. Beer and weight loss, I dont think so. Instead why not consider enjoying a high quality, local, organic beer or glass of wine a few times a week? These small producers support your community, are gentler on the planet, and provide beverages that taste SO much better.
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Planet Green is the multi-platform media destination devoted to the environment and dedicated to helping people understand how humans impact the planet and how to live a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle. Its two robust websites, and, offer original, inspiring, and entertaining content related to how we can evolve to live a better, brighter future. Planet Green is a division of Discovery Communications.
Beer companies are sponsoring marathons and running ads showing toned drinkers meeting up at a bar after a work-out. Superstars of grueling, high-endurance sports are being tapped to promote alcoholic beverages.Such false claims impact our buying patterns as well. Again the report:
[M]arket research shows purchase intent and consumption of a brand increase when people believe alcoholic products are all-natural or fitness-friendly, intense scrutiny and strict regulation of such misleading claims is essential.Here are some of the claims targeted in the report:Fortified Vodka
Examples-Lotus White is infused with vitamins B3, B6, B9, and B12 and Devotion a protein-infused ultra premium vodka.Antioxidant Liqueur
Fragoli is a liqueur thats loaded with antioxidant-laden berries.All Natural Spirits
Spirits have done little to change their product but are now making claims that they are All Natural. including companies like Absolut, Skyy, Stoli, and Finlandia vodka.Weight Loss Beers
These include beers like Michelob Ultra, which want you to Lose the Carbs, Not the Taste.Its certainly an interesting discussion to have especially because! our bu ying patterns are so closely tied to such advertisements. But at some point you have to take a step back and look at what youre believing. Beer and weight loss, I dont think so. Instead why not consider enjoying a high quality, local, organic beer or glass of wine a few times a week? These small producers support your community, are gentler on the planet, and provide beverages that taste SO much better.
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