Climate Making You Sad? Best & Worst Cities for Mood

By Annie Tucker Morgan, DivineCarolineMany people believe the weather in San Francisco, where I live currently, is just about perfectnever too hot, never too cold. But as a born-and-raised New Englander, I cant get over the absence of four distinct seasons in the Bay Area. After twelve years here, I still yearn for fall foliage, winter snow, spring blossoms, and hot summers in which I can actuallytake a swim in the ocean without having to wear a wetsuit. Something about the ups and downs of enduring eighteen-degree days in February and 70 percent humidity in July simply suited my psyche better than the lack of climatic variation in Northern CaliforniaI guess I just find the cycle of punishment and reward inherent in East Coast weather more exciting. Whatever the reason, when I leave my house in San Francisco on the fourteenth foggy, fifty-degree day in a row (especially if its a day in August), it really gets to meI feel antsy, glum, and sluggish. The majority of researchers concur that weather does impact moodjust ask the millions of Americans who suffer fromseasonal affective disorderbut are the residents of U.S. cities with great weather happier overall than those who live in cities with a crummy climate? The experts say no.Sunny Weather, Sunny Disposition?
Since its inception in 1818, theFarmers Almanac has been one of the definitive resources on all things climate-related in the United States (although that still doesnt make setting our clocks an hour ahead fordaylight saving time any easier). ItsWeb site features a list of the ten U.S. cities with the best weather, as well as explanations of its criteria for determining which places make the cut:1.Yuma, Arizona: This city boasts only seventeen rainy days annually, 90 percent sunshine, and extremely dry heat (its the third-least-humid city in the country).2.Las Vegas, Nevada: 85 percent sunshine and just twenty-six rainy days per year mean lot! s more t anning time at all those high-priced hotels.3.Phoenix, Arizona: Tied with Vegas in the sunshine department, Phoenix has the lowest relative humidity and only 7.11 inches of annual precipitation.4. El Paso, Texas: Mild winters, tons of sunshine, and low humidity reign in this border town.5. Reno, Nevada: Renos temperate climate and abundant sunshine make for easy livin.6.Albuquerque, New Mexico: The Sandia Mountains and the International Balloon Fiesta arent Albuquerques only attractionsit also offers dry heat and a wide range of livable temperatures.7.Winslow, Arizona: Winslow is the eight-driest and seventh-least-humid city in the United States.8.Bishop, California: With twenty-nine rainy days per year, Bishop is the third-driest city in the country.9.Bakersfield, California: Right behind Bishop on the driest-cities list, Bakersfield gets only thirty-seven days of rainfall annually.10.San Diego, California: Featuring comfortable temperatures and clear skies year-round, San Diego is paradise for sun worshippers and outdoor enthusiasts.
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