10 Summer Hazards to Avoid

ByMolly Mann, DivineCaroline
Who doesnt love summer? For those three blissful months, its perfectly okay to wear a sexy, strappy dress during the daytime, to read trashy novels by the pound (beach reads!), and to consider ice cream its own food group. But summer fun is quickly dampened by a case of Lyme disease, poison oak or ivy, or food poisoning. Learn how to prepare for seasonal hazards before they make you glum, beach bum.1. Lyme Disease
If youre spending a lot of time in grassy and heavily wooded areas, watch out for ticks. They carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease and can pass it to humans. Check your body for ticks and their distinctive bitesthey look like bulls eyesregularly, and see a doctor immediately if you see a tick or bite, or if you experience flulike symptoms. If you are diagnosed with Lyme disease and treat it immediately with antibiotics, you can recover completely. But if you let it go untreated too long, it may become chronic.Photo source: Wikimedia Commons
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