8 Simple Home Remedies

By the Editors of Mens HealthMINOR WOUND
REMEDY: HONEYHoney deprives bacteria of the water it needs to multiply. Thwart infection with a swipe of the sweet stuff, and cover the cut with a bandage.SUNBURN, RAZOR BURN
REMEDY: MILKDip a clean washcloth into a bowl of cool milk and dab it on the burned areas. (The coolness can help reduce swelling, and milks lactic acid has anti-inflammatory properties.) Then rinse it off. Or try: Olive oil, which has natural compounds that protect against inflammation. That being said, a sunburn could be dangerous.Visit the Mens Health Skin Cancer Center to learn how to protect, detect, and treat burns, eczema and other skin irritations.FLAKY HAND SKIN
REMEDY: SUGARCoat your wet hands with sugarthe coarser the better. The rough grains scrub away flakes and dead skin cells. If possible, use demerara, a dark sugar with large granules; its sold in specialty-food stores.DRY SKIN AND LIPS
REMEDY: OLIVE OILOlive oil closely resembles your own natural oils, which can be stripped away by harsh soaps and dry heat. Smooth a few drops onto your palm and rub it into your skin to soften rough spots and form a protective moisture barrier.
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