6 Beauty Recipes From the Produce Aisle

Rather than purchase chemical beauty products, you can turn to the produce aisle for ingredients to make your very own beauty products at home.Store-bought beauty products often include a laundry list of polysyllabic ingredients. Not only are these things hard to pronounce, some of them are downright harmful to your body. Whats worse, cosmetic companies arent even required to list everything that they use in their formulations. Cosmetics companies can claim that an ingredient is proprietary and leave it off of the label all together.Fortunately, with a little bit of know-how and a trip down to the grocery store you can whip up your very own, custom beauty products with no mystery ingredients in sight!

1. Tomato Scrub

The gentle acids and nutrients in tomatoes are great for your skin, but you dont need to spend a lot of money on tomato skin products from the store. Instead, next time youre making a tomato sandwich, dont toss that tomato top into the compost right away. Instead, combine it with some organic sugar or sea salt to make your very own, natural tomato scrub.

2. Cucumber Almond Face Mask

Cucumber soothes the skin while the natural oils in the almonds replenish. This is easy as pie to make!
  • Peel and de-seed half of a cucumber and toss it into the blender, processing until its smooth.
  • Transfer to a small bowl.
  • Put a small handful of almonds into the blender, and puree until these are smooth. Youre essentially making almond butter, and if you want to save some time you can use 2 tablespoons of almond butter instead of blending up your own.
  • Transfer the almond butter to the bowl, and mix with the cucumber until its well combined.
  • Smooth the mask onto your face, put on some soothing music, and relax for around 10 minutes.
  • Use a washcloth soaked in warm water to gently remove the mask.
>>Next: An oatmeal mask and! DIY moi sturizer.Image Credit: Creative Commons photo by epSos.de
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