How to Please Pitta: The Fiery Dosha

If you have been suffering from acne, rashes, heartburn, acidity and frequent fits of anger, your ruling dosha or humor, according to Ayurveda, isPitta. Pitta dosha is composed of the elements of fire and water. So, everything in your personality, right from your skin and hair type to your moods and actions, is fiery in nature.If you are a pitta type:Your skin is fair, soft and warm to the touch
It has a lovely, rosy glow which can turn an angry red when the dosha is out of balance
You have fine, straight hair. Likely colors: red, sandy or blonde
You tend to have several freckles or moles
You have a hot temper
You are ambitious, focused and aggressivePitta Skins Typical Problems:You are prone to fiery issues such as rashes, rosacea, acne, liver spots and pigmentation.You cannot bear the sun for long, and your skin can suffer sun damage very quickly.Emotional stress causes your skin to breakout.Tanning and heat-based therapies such as steam and sauna are an absolute no-no for youYou cannot enjoy hot, spicy foods12 Ways to Balance PittaEat lots of sweet juicy fruits (especially melons and pears), cooked greens and rose petal preserves are especially good.Drink plenty of cool waterUse natural cosmetics, preferably dished up in your kitchen. Remember, your skin is very sensitive to chemicals.Enjoy outdoor exercise, particularly water sportsTry yoga and meditation: very calming for your hot personalitySplash rose water on your face. Instant bliss.Spritz a handkerchief with a cooling rose or lavender essential oil, and inhale when youre stressed out.Pamper your face and neck with the soothing touch of aloe vera and sandalwood paste they draw out the heat and replace it with a lovely, healing coolness.Dab your skin with chilled cucumber juice.Protect every exposed surface of your skin from the harsh sun to the extent possible think sunscreen, hat, sunglassesDrink cool, sweet yogurt based beverages or fresh fruit ! juice wh enever you can.Spend time with gentle, relaxed and happy people. They will balance out your aggressive and tension-prone personality.

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