Annies Joins The Fight For Better School Lunches

In early 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed long-overdue upgrades to the nutrition standards for meals served through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs as part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.The proposed changes to school meal standards would add more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat milk to school meals and would require schools to limit the levels of saturated fat, sodium, calories, and trans-fats served to students.The USDA is asking for input on the proposed rule during a public comment period that ends April 13th, 2011. Now through April 11th, Annies is asking kids, parents and schools to respond to the USDAs recent call for a dramatic change in school lunches by sharing letters and pictures of support through the Root 4 Kids program.Annies Root 4 Kids initiative seeks to inspire kids to dig and plant more veggies, and is requesting letters and pictures be uploaded at, where all relevant submissions will be featured. Letters can also be submitted by mail. Following the campaign, Annies will package all stories, letters and pictures and submit them to the USDA with its own letter of support.You can also take action by signing this Care2 petition: Tell The USDA You Support Healthier School Meals!Annies wants to show a tremendous amount of enthusiasm from people nationwide who, like us, are thankful the USDA has taken action to help alleviate childhood obesity, said Sarah Bird, Annies SVP of Marketing. Through our Root 4 Kids program, we hope to capture heartfelt and shareable letters and stories from kids, families and schools that support eating more real food.Annies launched Root 4 Kids in partnership with the National Farm to School Network to inspire 1 million kids to dig and plant new veggies through harvest 2011. Caring adults should sign up to Root 4 Kids at and commit to helping at lea! st one c hild in their life dig or plant a new veggie.Also Check Out:
School Lunch Encounters Of The Third Kind
School Lunches The Easy, Green and Healthy Way
School Meals DeprogrammedImage Credit: Flickr woodleywonderworks

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