Over the past several weeks, the US Department of Agriculture approved more genetically-engineered (GE) foods:
- Alfalfa (which becomes hay and then food for animals that becomes food for humans)
- Corn (specifically a type of corn to produce ethanol)
Additionally, there are reports that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is about to allow the first genetically-modified (GM) animal to be sold as food: a fast-growing salmon.Regardless of the reported potential benefits, the possible environmental and health hazards of this historically unprecedented widespread experiment could have disastrous consequences. Says
New York Times reporter Mark Bittman: when ethanol corn cross-pollinates feed corn, the results could degrade the feed corn; when G.E. alfalfa cross-pollinates organic alfalfa, that alfalfa is no longer organic; if a G.E. salmon egg is fertilized by a wild salmon, or a transgenic fish escapes into the wild and breeds with a wild fish its not clear what will happen.While the FDA refers to the salmon as a new animal drug I propose that it more aptly warrants the title FrankenSalmon. Using the FDAs self-created loophole, by classifying FrankenSalmon as a new animal drug, it allowed the advisory committee that evaluated the salmons safety to be made up primarily of veterinarians and animal scientists, not food safety experts or ecologists.More shocking news about FrankenSalmon on page 2