Top 10 Worst Foods

Lets face it: there are grocery and convenience stores (not to mention schools and school vending machines) that are full of chemical- and sugar-laced foods we should never eat. Im frequently asked which ones are the worst. So, here are my picks for the top 10 worst foods you may be eating, in order, from terrible to tragic. The #1 Worst Food of All Time may surprise you!10. Ice CreamSorry, I know just about everyone loves ice cream, but todays ice cream is not only full of sugar, most of it is also loaded with trans fats, artificial colors and flavors, many of which are known neurotoxins (brain- and nervous-system damaging chemicals). Of course, there are healthier varieties, but most ice cream is hazardous to your health.9. Corn and Tortilla ChipsSince the advent of genetically-modified foods, most corn we eat is a health-damaging frankenfood. Corn causes rapid blood sugar fluctuations, which you may notice as mood-swings, weight gain, or irritability, among other symptoms. Most are fried in oils that have turned rancid and are linked to inflammation.8. PizzaWhile not all pizza is bad, most of the commercially available and frozen pizza on the market is full of artificial dough conditioners and preservatives. It is made from white flour that has been bleached and reacts in your body just like sugar, causing weight gain and blood sugar imbalances.
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