Classic Brain Booster

In a world of Sudoku and weekend national newspaper crossword puzzles, the lowly jigsaw puzzle may seem to be mere childs play. If you think this, get your hands on a good 500 piecer, and you are in for a spanking! Jigsaw puzzles can be mind-bendingly tough, providing your brain (and your patience) with an extensive workout that enhances several mental functions.The benefits of solving jigsaw puzzles include exercising and sharpening your memory, strengthening the connections between your memory centers, improved hand-eye and spatial coordination, and observation skills. The process of referencing the big picture and hunting for the right pieces at the right time nurture logical thought processes, including analyzing, sequencing and deducing skills.As with other mind-stimulating leisure activities, solving jigsaw puzzles doubles the decreased likelihood of developing Alzheimers disease. This effect is linked to participating in these activities between the ages of 20 and 60, further confirming that puzzles are not just for kids.While it hasnt been determined that intellectual stimulation can prevent the onset of Alzheimers, according to Dr. Zaven Khachaturian, Editor in Chief of Alzheimers & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimers Association, puzzling builds up a reserve of neuron connections, which serves to delay the onset of the disease.An additional benefit of jigsaw puzzling is that it can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike, though kids may lose patience during those spans when no easy connections are being made (OK, not just the kids!) Maybe make this a souvenir of choice when your family goes on vacation. There are a number of jigsaw puzzle manufacturers who produce puzzles made from 100% recycled paper.My recommendation: set the puzzle up in a space where it can safely stay intact for several weeks, and let everyone fiddle with it at their leisure. When that last piece is place the thrill of victory can be enjoyed by all.Related:
5 Ways to Create Meaningful Fam! ily Ritu als
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Terri Hall lives in the Hudson Valley with her family. In addition to writing, Terri works with public television and radio stations/networks in the area of new media, and leads workshops on authentic and empowered living.

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