Its really time for us to grow up and discover our vaginas. Loretta SwitFor all the sexual freedoms we claim in our culture, the amount of real conversation about all things sexual is almost non-existent. Formal sex education is limited to body part naming, if it exists at all; in many states kids dont even get that. Adult entertainment content is the substitute for real sex education for most kids and even most adults. Our collective discomfort about the mystery of our sexuality is proportional to the lack of both language and meaningful conversation about our sexual selves.While joking about genitalia may be acceptable among select friends, consider the last real conversation you had about your vaginal anatomy or the traumas that you may have sustained within that anatomy. Whether from childbirth, forced and/or painful sexual encounters or just a healthy dose of cultural shame associated with genitalia, a frightening majority of women carry the burden of unspoken conversations about their vaginal life. Emotional issues that live in our bodies often manifest as physical illness when they are silenced and suppressed for years. Even if you cant personally link chronic pelvic pain to the lack of real conversation about your vaginal experiences, at the very least, opening up a dialogue could add a great deal of mileage to your experience of sexual pleasure.I was 47 and selling love products for years before I learned about the remarkable clitoral organ system and complex anatomic structures that literally rock my inner world every time I orgasm. This from a woman who believed herself to be sexually open-minded and educated. I am not alone in never having gotten a full tour and understanding of the complex neural network and the multiple organs that work in harmony to make sexual pleasure the amazing symphony of sensation that it is. In fact, until about ten years ago with the advent of books like
The Clit! oral Tru th, much of female anatomy was not understood or taught even by/to physicians.