7 Questions You Should Never Ask

ByAnnie Tucker MorganWhen were just getting to know someonea friend, a business associate, a romantic partnerbeing inquisitive about the other persons background and interests is a healthy and inevitable part of the process. But that doesnt mean its appropriate to fire off just any question that pops into your mind, no matter how burning your desire to know the answer is. In the case of these seven topics, your curiosity will get you nowhere fast.1. How much money do you make?
The only times its acceptable to ask this question are when youre anemployer interviewing a prospective employee and need that persons salary history, and when you have a domestic partner with whom youvemerged your finances. Otherwise, its strictly off-limits. Even if you share every other detail of your life with your friends and family membersand even if you choose to be open about how muchyou makethat doesnt mean anyone is required to disclose his or her earnings to you. Nor are you entitled, just because a friend may have revealed her salary in past positions, to know that information about subsequent jobs she takes. When it comes to money, mums the word.
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