Combat Vampires: Find Emotional Freedom

My brilliant friend Dr. Judith Orloff, who is both an psychiatrist and a gifted intuitive, combines traditional Western medical knowledge with energy medicine and intuitive healing. Her latest book, Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions And Transform Your Life, offers the best of both to help you free yourself from the emotional prisons we have a tendency to inhabit. The post is the first in a series based on Dr. Orloffs book that aim to help you harness your feminine power by unshackling you from the emotional chains that drag you down. So get ready to rock, girlfriends!Have you ever been around an emotional vampire? You know what Im talking about they suck the energy right out of you and leave you feeling like Dracula just drank a gallon of your life force. While being in the presence of some people leaves you feeling optimistic, energetic, inspired, and connected, being around emotional vampires leaves you depressed, anxious, depleted, and drained.You know what Im talking about. You can probably list the people you know who make you feel this way. I know I can. It tires me out just thinking about the kinds of interactions that sap me when Im with people like this.How Energy Vampires OperateDr. Orloff says, A vampire goes in for the kill by stirring up your emotions. Pushing your buttons throws you off center, which renders you easier to drain. Youll be more susceptible to the influence of vampires if you are: Depressed Have low self esteem Have a victim mentality Fear asserting yourself Are addicted to people-pleasingWant to learn how to protect yourself from getting sucked dry? Here are some tips from Dr. Orloffs book.1) Determine If Youre Being Sapped By An Emotional VampireA quick and dirty way to tell if youre around an emotional vampire is to assess how you both feel when the interaction between you is complete. Youll know if someone is an emotional vampire because, when all is said and done, youl! l feel w orse; theyll feel better.Some common side effects: You feel ready for a nap You feel like put down or like the rug was pulled out from under you Your mood takes a nosedive You crave comfort foods or carbs You feel like you just got slimed
2) Dos & Donts For Dealing With Emotional VampiresWhen you find yourself in the presence of a vampire, youll need some garlic to ward off the heeby-jeebies that can accompany such an interaction.DO: Take a deep breath to center yourself Listen for intuitions signaling danger Stay calm and matter of fact instead of going for their bait Pause and develop a plan to handle the situation before you react Communicate clearly, firmly, and with a neutral tone when setting limitsDONT: Panic Talk yourself out of your intuitions or call yourself neurotic Blurt out something youll regret later or use an accusatory tone Fight with the person Overeat to medicate stressDo you have emotional vampires in your life? Or are you one? How do you respond to people who suck you dry? Tell us your stories!If youd like to read more about identifying and dealing with emotional vampires, read Judiths fabulous book. And stay tuned for more posts about Emotional Freedom, here and on! Part 2 of the series will discuss the different types of emotional vampires and how you can identify them and protect yourself!Related Links:
Are You in Love with an Emotional Vampire?
Energy Vampires and What to Do with Them

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