3 Exercises to Treat Back Pain
Considering how dramatically an inflexible thoracic spine can affect your body, its surprising how few people even know where it is. Located in the mid-back, the thoracic spine consists of the 12 vertebrae sandwiched between the five vertebrae of the lumbar spine and the seven vertebrae of the cervical (upper) spine. The curvature of the spine naturally forms three main segments, explains Cressey.These segments each have a primary function. The lumbar spine and cervical spine are designed to provide stability, while the thoracic spine is designed to provide mobility, says Michael Boyle, CSCS (no relation to Jon), a Massachusetts-based strength-and-conditioning coach and editor of www.strengthcoach.com. Specifically, the thoracic spine allows you to bend your trunk forward and backwar! d (flexi on and extension) and side to side, and to twist your trunk each way (rotation).For many of us, the thoracic spine does not extend and rotate as well as it should. Sitting is the main culprit, says coach Boyle. When youre seated, your thoracic spine is locked in a flexed position. Over time, people who spend most of the day sitting lose some of their range of motion.Next: 3 Exercises to Correct Back Pain
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