The Top 10 Things I Wish Didnt Involve Plastic

Last week, to mark the end of Plastic-Free Challenge, I shared sometips for reducing the amount of plasticin your life. I personally dont think that anything is completely evil. But I do think we overuse a lot of things without thinking too much about itand when challenged, we often invent much better solutions. So consider this a call for ideas or inspiration to you creative types, brainstorm some alternatives for the more pervasive, hard-to-eliminate plastic sources were all burdened with. I know its possible. There must be solutions. So put on your thinking caps, and see what you can come up with! Here are 10 things that come with plastic that I really wish didnt: 1. Shampoo and conditioner: I actually do have a bar of shampoo wrapped in paper that Ive been meaning to try, but have been a bit afraid to. But this is the biggie. (Luckily,Rodale.coms Leah Zerbe has come up with some ideas to help solve this problem.) 2. Toy and electronics packaging: Not only is it excessive, but the plastic on these things is usually so hard to open that without the proper tools, blood can spill. 3. Produce! And not just at the supermarket. Even the vendors at my local farmers market use a lot of plastic bags when selling their produce. 4. Condiments: Catsup, mayo, mustardthey USED to come in glass, so I know its possible. 5. packages: Oh, the box is fine, but the books are always shrink-wrapped, and the package is stuffed with plastic puffy things that are annoying and unnecessary. I mean, that book is not going to break! Actually, almost anything ordered by mail comes with too much plast! ic surro unding it. 6. Takeout containers: Yes, the answer is to avoid takeout. But seriously, there has got to be a better way to package food to go. 7. Garbage bags: There has to be a better way to package our trash, too. Until then, at least userecycled trash bags. 8. Pool toys: Can people please stop giving these to me as gifts? They smell bad, and the kids never put them away, and then the dog bites holes in them. Now, my goggles on the other hand I would love a nonplastic replacement for them. 9. Almost anything at the supermarketespecially meat wrappers: Whether it encases toilet paper or pasta, its crazy how much plastic stuff has to be thrown away just so we can protect stuff before it gets used. Lets get creative, people! 10. Pens: I love to write, and hate that my favorite tool is often made from disposable plastic. Oh, yeahcomputers, too.This is the challenge of our times, really: to constantly improve on and develop new ways to live our lives without harming our health and our planet. Its a great creative opportunity! Just think of all the money people can make if they figure it out. Yay for capitalism!Want to cut back on plastic? Try making your own easy hair styling solution, packing reusable cutlery, or rethinking the zip-top.

Maria tells it how it is on her blog, Marias Farm Country Kitchen.

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