Go Vegan and Raw?

Rainbau Mars - leader of Fresh Start CleanseBy Magda RodIve been on a journey to my optimum health for a couple years now. Two years ago at Worldfest I heard Sea Shepherds Captain Paul Watson speak about the over fishing of the ocean, while I simultaneously met a community of radiant raw eaters. I was inspired to set an intention for the sake of my health and that of the planet, to go raw vegan. That was two years ago today. I didnt give myself a time limit. I knew that slow and steady wins the race so I gave myself as long as it would take for me to acquire the knowledge and fortitude to stick with my goal.Today, thanks in large part to Rainbeau Mars, Im elated to announce Ive attained my goal. Im comfortably enjoying a vegan and 80 percent raw diet. Im happier and healthier than Ive even been. A few months ago I, along with about 50 other health conscious people around the world, participated in a group Fresh Start Cleanse led by Rainbeau and Brigitte Mars.I went into the cleanse thinking that I would learn a few things and get a bit healthier. I was, after all, holding on to a last little nibble of cheese once in a while, which was keeping me out of the vegan category. This cleanse overdelivered in ways that are hard to even explain. Being supported by 50 strangers in near and distant lands, along with daily email support from the Mars, was incredibly powerful. The first week we were asked to eat vegan, so there went that little cheese nibble. With such a strong network supporting me, I easily dropped it, and three months later, Im still vegan!

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