By Sara Novak, Planet GreenSpices can make all the difference in the world when youre attempting to come up with innovative nightly eats. Eating in is easier on your waistline, the planet, and your wallet.In my house we go out to eat about once a week, most other meals we eat at home. But no matter how you plan meals in your house, having the right spices on hand is crucial to improving the pleasure quotient of home cooking.Often times the ingredients you see in recipes are actually prepared spice combinations that are a necessity to getting ethnic cuisine right. Its like making paella without saffron, its just not the same. Instead of buying spice combinations, consider making them at home from spices that you may already have. These spice combinations keep for about 3 to 4 months and then they start to lose flavor, so use them liberally and enjoy.
(click through to the end, or click the left arrow, for a printer-friendly version)1. Garam Masala2 tbsp cumin seeds
2 tbsp coriander seeds
2 tbsp cardamom seeds
2 tbsp black peppercorns
1 tsp whole cloves
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp grated nutmegMethod1. Add all the spices except the cinnamon and nutmeg to a skillet and toast on medium heat for a few minutes, just until fragrant. Do not burn the spices or youll have to start over.2. Add all the spices to a spice mill or coffee grinder and grind into powder. Store in an airtight container.
Recipe adapted from Ochef.Garam Masala is an Indian spice combination thats delightful in Emerils Greens With Aromatic Spices and in Emerils Grilled Tandoori Chicken.