9 Factors Affecting Your Metabolism

In spite of all the information and all the prescriptions offered by modern diets, American people just keep getting fatter. In my mind, this suggests that our knowledge about metabolism is missing something perhaps some of the old wisdom that kept hundreds of generations of people slender and strong. Of course, having access to modern scientific knowledge is enormously helpful too. The key lies in integrating these two bodies of wisdom, and then applying them to get a better understanding of our entire physiological landscape.Diet and NutritionFood supplies us with nutrients that are criticalfor healthy metabolism, and for health in general. Vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids and probiotics are all essential nutrients, many of which cannot be produced by the body and must therefore be ingested from an outside source. Missing even one essential nutrient from your diet could have a devastating effect on your metabolism and overall health, so its important to understand how they work.Minerals
Minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc)are critical for all tissue structures, including bones, skin and hair. They also play vital roles as electrolytes, which regulate the bodys electrical charge. That electrical charge is necessary for all cellular metabolic functions, but especially for the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of toxins.Proper mineral balance helps moderate our bodys sodium levels, preventing water-retention, inflammations and bloating. It also maintains our bodys proper acid/alkaline balance (overacidity leads to sluggish metabolism and makes the body more vulnerable to infection and disease). Minerals even help protect the body from radioactive toxins.Because mineral deficiencies are related to serious metabolic problems (with symptoms such as indigestion, headaches, nervousness, depr! ession, exhaustion and impotence), it is wise to eat plenty of mineral-rich foods, including fruits and vegetables grown in mineral-rich soil, as well as seafood and especially sea vegetables.Click through to the end, or click the back button, for a text-only version.
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