5 Secrets to Aging Well

By Paula Spencer, Caring.comHow to be happier and healthier for the rest of your life. Wed all like to make it to 100but lets face it, some people age a lot more gracefully than others. Whats the difference between someone who looks and feels vibrant in midlife and beyondand someone whos sick, sad, and already old?Scientists are turning up some surprising key factors: approaches to attitude and lifestyle that not only add years to your life but add a better quality of life to your years.Studies on successful aging have shown that only one third of what predicts how well we age is controlled by genetics. About two thirds is based on our personal lifestyle choices and is therefore under our control, says psychiatrist Gary Small, director of the UCLA Center on Aging and author of The Longevity Bible (Hyperion).Here are five longevity factors you can do something about.

5 Secrets to Aging Well originally appeared on Caring.com.

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