The Dangers of Triclosan & How to Avoid It

Triclosan, the controversial disinfectant that many associate with hand sanitizers, is actually in all manner of cosmetics and personal care products.

The Trouble with Triclosan

Triclosan is an antimicrobial, meaning that it kills harmful microorganisms. This can definitely be a good thing. If youre in the hospital, for example, you want to know that everything from the nurses and doctors hands to their instruments are completely sterile. In a case like this, I think that you could make a pretty strong argument for using antimicrobials like triclosan.The big problem with triclosan is that its become ubiquitous. Its in a host of over the counter personal care products, and that means that its also in our bodies and washing down our drains.There are quite a few health concerns associated with triclosan. Its a suspected endocrine disruptor and carcinogen that accumulates in the body over time. Since its in so many products, many of us are exposed to triclosan on a daily basis through multiple products in our daily routine.When triclosan makes its way into waterways, it breaks down into harmful dioxins, polluting waterways. When triclosan goes down the drain, it also gets mixed up with sewage sludge, and from there makes its way into our food supply. How does that happen? It turns out that EPA allows sewage sludge to be used as a fertilizer on food crops.Over time, organisms that triclosan targets also start becoming resistant to the chemical. Thats bad news if youre counting on the stuff to sterilize an operating room, for example. When we over-use these harsh chemicals, we make them less effective for situations where they could have been beneficial.>>Next: Common products that contain Triclosan.Image Credit: Creative Commons photo by SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget
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