Put These 5 Sleep-Stealing Behaviors to Rest

A new CDC report finds that 35 percent of the population gets less than the recommended 7 hours of sleep, putting everyone at risk for nightmares.By Leah Zerbe, Rodale.comA new Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study exposes nightmarish sleep statistics nationwide. More than 35 percent of adults surveyed for the CDC study admitted to getting less than seven hours of sleep at night. It isnt enough, and that increases the risk of all sorts of problems, including high blood pressure and car accidents. (Drowsy driving accounts for roughly 1,550 fatalities and 40,000 nonfatal injuries annually in the United States, making it one of the most lethal consequences of not getting enough shut-eye.)7 Surprising ways that sleep affects your health.Nearly 38 percent of adults also admitted accidentally falling asleep during the day in the last month, while about 5 percent said they nodded off or fell asleep while driving(!). Clearly, sleep-starved people are not only a danger to themselves, but to everyone around them, as well.Heres how to get better sleep and avoid dangerously drowsy situations: Hone in on hitting 7 to 9.If youre having trouble sleep seven to nine hours through the night, consider making some simple changes to help lull your body into sleep mode.Sleep better: After the sun sets, really focus on limiting your exposure to artificial light. All of those fake bright lights after dark are snuffing sleep-inducing melatonin production, which also has been linked to high blood pressure and diabetes. Cut out screen time (TV, computer, cellphone) an hour or two before bed, and keep lights dim to coax your body off to lullaby land.
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