I love the beach. The whole ocean, reallybut especially the more gentle seas, like the Caribbean. Its my happy place. And Ive often said I feel as though I might have been a ship captain in a past life, although Im not even a sailor in this one. As yall know, I spend most of this life walking on and talking about the land, soil, farms, gardens, and how we can protect the earth.Seafood Lovers, Fishermen, and All of Us Can Help Save Our Endangered OceansThe truth is I picked up
Oceana to read for business reasons. First, Rodale Inc. published it. And second, I was about to host a party for its author, Ted Danson (yes
that Ted Danson), and I felt the responsibility to do my homework. But Im so very, very glad I read it, and I hope you read it, too. Youll never look at the ocean and its alleged bounty on your plate the same way again.So many of his stories about the horrific overfishing and waste of the fishing industry, the corruption caused by government subsidies around the world, the toxic chemical pollution caused by fish-farming (aquaculture), made me realize that as above, so below. Our attitudes about food and soil are compounded by our attitude toward whats happening underwaterperhaps even worse, since we can easily pretend its not happening.Find the ocean-friendly actions that best match your interests and abilities.And the crime of our ignorant and affluent Western culture is that we will be the last people in the world to see it. The illusion of abundance we see in our supermarkets every time we shop is abundance stolen from the poor people of the world, and has destroyed the livelihoods of small fisherman and their families. So it is no surprise that they immigrate to our countries, in search of our entitled affluence.