People are hijacking the Law of Attraction. I am sick of it, and its time to take it back.Since I first heard about the concepts of attraction and manifestation, I knew they were for me they fit perfectly with everything Id believed about life, and how my life works, for many years. When I watched The Secret I recognized it as truth, not rocket science but truth. Yes, this is what I understand to be true about life. I feel the same about the teachings ofAbraham-Hicks.When Oprah started talking about it, I had mixed feelings. The O stamp of approval meant countless numbers of people would discover this truth (woohoo!), but sadly many of them would manipulate the message for their own gain (boo). If I had a dollar for every goon who claims that they can make me a millionaire by teaching me how to teach others how to be a millionaire well, Id be a millionaire.So many people are saying that you can change your weight, the balance in your checking account, the way your mother-in-law talks to you, and the color of the paint on the walls by banishing your negative thoughts. They say that if you want to make more money, you have to say you make more money and you will begin to make more money. So, if you make $50,000 a year and you want to make $150,000 a year, just starting telling yourself (and everybody else) that you make $150,000 a year. Now, I dont know if this is my militant, United States Air Force upbringing, but my daddy calls that a lie, and no matter how badly I wanted to make more money, when I tried to banish my Im-broke-as-hell thoughts with delusions of grandeur, nothing good came of it.So, here is my take on the Law of Attraction it is about changing your life experience by changing the way you experience your life. Im going to say that again, because it is big and I want you to be able to take it home with you The Law of Attraction is about changing your life experience by changing the way you experience yo! ur life. When you adjust your perception of reality, reality changes.