Osama Bin Laden Killed: To Celebrate or Not?

I just found out from CNN that a senior U.S. official says Osama bin Laden was killed by the U.S. forces in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. Apparently, President Obama is gearing up for a press conference to tell us more.Im sitting here on my sofa working on my book, and I wonder whether this will be one of those moments I always remember like the day the first Space Shuttle exploded or the day Princess Di died, or the day 9/11 happened.This ghost of evil has been spiriting around caves for a decade now, and just before 9/11s anniversary, hes gone. The almighty United States triumphs again.
My first reactionI felt a rush of relief, almost glee. The Wizard of Oz song, Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead rang through my mind, and I wanted to jump on the rooftop and yell, Rejoice, munchkins! or start yodeling the Hallelujah chorus.But that lasted only about ten seconds, and then I caught myself. Wait. Someone just died. Someones child lost a parent. Some friend lost someone they trust.It was a sobering thought, and my Inner Pilot Light lit up just thinking about it. My heart filled with compassion and forgiveness, and I genuinely hoped he didnt suffer in the end. After all, I dont want revenge. I certainly dont want him killing more people, so Im not sorry his mass-murdering ass is toast. But I dont hate him. I dont like to fill my mind and heart with such toxic feelings.And then I started noticing how people were responding on Twitter and Facebook. An eye for an eye! Take that, you motherf*cker! and other such things.
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