10 Surprising Ways to Restore Our Oceans

In a previous post, I wrote about Oceana, Ted Dansons amazing book. Hes got a lot of great save-the-ocean tips in there for what you can do to keep our oceans clean, and help to protect the magical life beneath its surface. But I thought of 10 more ways that might surprise you, and which anyone can do even if you live far, far away from any ocean or sea.1: Go fishing! And eat your local fish. Catch it yourself if you can. Or buy it (or trade for it) with a local fisherman. But before you do that, make sure your local water is clean (good luck with that). At least youll be getting personally acquainted with your local fish and what they need to thrive.2: Take Wholemega fish capsules instead of eating fish. I have heard personally from Tom Newmark, Chairman of the Board of New Chapter vitamins, how sustainably and carefully the company collects its fish oil from wild-caught Alaskan salmon. I trust their fish oil. So can you.Heres an easy and delicious fish dish3: Avoid plastics at all costs. OK. Plastic is made from petroleum. Oil harvesting is a major, major source of ocean pollution (and wastes oil on things we dont need). Then we throw it out and it ends up in the ocean again. How stupid is that?! One more reason to be as plastic free as you can.
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