My Idea of Happiness

The scent that rises off the earth after the first monsoon shower
Snuggling inside my blanket on a cold night, with hot cocoa and a cool book
Waking up to find that yesterdays marigold buds have blossomed into flowers

These are the simple things that make me happy. Here is what a few of my friends told me about their happiness list:

I was really happy on my first day in Amsterdam. I had traveled out of India only as a kid, so being in a beautiful foreign city was truly amazing. I had tears stinging my eyes, watching the manicured fields and blue skies there. Its how you feel when someone cleans your glasses for you, after they have been really dirty. Ambika, photographer

I was happy just a little while ago, looking out of my study door while on the computer and seeking the beautiful frangipani tree in my pot grow elegantly because it seemed so pure and untouched andmade me think like it. - Sherry, fashion designer

It was just yesterday. I took my 10-year-old out for a lunch date. Felt so complete and so proud when he shared his feelings with such trust. Or maybe this morning. when I sat with my daughter and talked to her about her friend and she opened her heart to me. Or maybe when I am talk to a close friend without a care for what I am sayingjust being myself.

I have realized that happiness is not really relationship-centric. In the midst of grief you may still feel happy. In fact, I wonder if happiness becomes more intense when you are in the midst of pain. because that is when you know its worth. - Seema, television producer

Hearing their beautiful thoughts, I realize, yet again, how simple happiness really is, and how easily within reach...

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