This Facial Feature May Predict Your Orgasm

Can you tell whether a woman is capable of having vaginal orgasms just by observing her from a distance? Research says maybe so.

Sex researcher Stuart Brody, a Scottish psychology professor, linked a womans finger sensitivity to her sexual behavior. He also found,in this study, that a womans gait fluid, graceful, and free of blocked or distorted pelvic rotation means shes more likely to have vaginal orgasms.

In other words, if you walk like you have a stick up your ass, youre less likely to be oh-oh-ohing vaginally.

The Latest

Well, now Stuart Brody just came out with a new study in theJournal of Sexual Medicine called Vaginal Orgasm Is More Prevalent Among Women with a Prominent Tubercle of the Upper Lip, as reportedin this article.

Yup. You nailed it. If the center part of your upper lip, called the tubercle, where the two curves of the upper lip meet in the midline is puffy, youre more likely to have vaginal orgasms. Some women have flattened, skinny tubercles, while others have fat, pouty, fluffy tubercles (were not naming any names, Angelina).

And yes, the research of 258 Scottish women suggests that puffy tubercles may be a marker for the ability to orgasm vaginally.

Why Are We Doing This Research?

Yes, I did find myself running to the bathroom mirror to check out my tubercle (its quite puffy, I must say.)

And then, I thought, Wait a minute. Why is this dude evendoing this kind of research! ?

It seems like everyone is always trying to cram women into a box when it comes to sexuality. Blondes are stupid but have more fun. Overweight women are celibate asexuals who dont care about looking sexy. Women who look like schoolmarms with funky glasses get freaky beneath the sheets. Girls who dress likesluts are just asking to be raped. (Yes, I have heard people comment about all four of these completely misguided stereotypes.)


If someone else can box us in by watching how we walk or staring at the tubercle of our upper lip, is it just another way someone can think they know us without actually making an effort to dig into the essence of who we really are at our authentic core?

Is this some parlor trick guys can use to screen women in bars? If I walk a certain way and have a puffy lip tubercle, can he assume Ill get jiggy and be more into sex because I can get off vaginally? As I walk through airport security, will some dude be able to see more of me than the X-ray vision allows him to see? Will my gait and my lip scream, THIS CHICK HAS VAGINAL ORGASMS! Will he be more likely to engage me in conversation, thinking maybe hes scored some hidden gold because I might be able to orgasm two ways?

And if so, what will people think of me? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Is it a scarlet letter to be seen as more sexual? Or is it hot?

Do I even care? Do you?

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