5 Valuable Ayurvedic Food Tips

1. Try and get at least two different vegetables at each meal, choosing those that complement each other in color, texture and flavor for instance, carrots (balance both Vata and Kapha) and broccoli (balances Pitta) make a good pair. Similarly, Pitta-pleasing cauliflower and Vata-friendly green beans go together well.

2. If possible, eat one dark leafy green vegetable such as collard, spinach, or kale every daythis will give you minerals that other vegetables do not. Besides, fresh, moist greens release juices that hydrate the body down to its minutest channelsthus cleansing and refreshing you as a whole.

3. The best way to cook your vegetables is to lightly saute them in ghee and spicesthis not only infuses them with flavor and aroma, but also aids in the digestion and assimilation of food.

4. Have you ever flirted with asafoetida? Its a highly aromatic resin (some find the smell revolting, some love it) with terrific digestion-boosting properties. It balances Vata, so if you suffer from problems such as gas and bloating, this might just be what the vaidya ordered for you! In India, we use asafoetida(the Hindi name for which is heeng) a lot to flavour our dals and curries and stir-fries. If youre cooking with it for the first time, here is how to: heat a little ghee in a pan. When it is warm, put in just a small pinch of asafoetida, then quickly pop in a few cumin or mustard seeds and other spices you might be using.

5. Feel a snack-attack coming on? Stay away from fried foods if you can. These lack prana or vital energy. Recommended Ayurvedic snacks include almonds, raisins, fresh sweet juicy fruit such as pears or plums, and whole-grain bagels or sandwiches.

How to Make Fruit Butter
How to Blanch Vegetables
Sandesh: A Light & Lovely Indian Dessert

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