Revamp Your Yogurt

Although ayurvedic healers do not recommend consumption of fermented foods (such as yeast breads), they make an exception for yogurt because it boasts so many healing properties.

Yogurt soothes the stomach, making it an ideal food for battling problems such as bloating. Vegetarians should include at least a cup of yogurt in their diet daily, because it gives you protein, calcium, B complex and other essential minerals. In ayurvedic terms, yogurt, being a sour food, balances an aggravated Vata dosha.

But wait: dont set out to buy your cup of yogurt at the supermarket just yet. Store-bought yogurt is cold, heavy and hard-to-digest. Thats because it has been sitting on those shelves, and no longer has the active, digestion-friendly bacteria that a fresh batch of home set yogurt gives you. Besides, the sheer taste of fresh yogurt beats the store-bought stuff!

Home-made yogurt it is easy to set.


  • 1 quart whole milk
  • 2 tbsp yogurt (the freshest batch you can find)

Heat milk until it foams up. Turn off heat and allow it to cool to about body temperature. Mix in the yogurt, and stir well in a bowl. Cover the bowl with a fitting lid and put in a warm, draft-free place such as inside an oven with just the light on. By morning, your yogurt will be ready!


Setting the perfect bowl of yogurt at home can take some practice, but believe me, the results will be delicious and healthy. And then, you can churn your yogurt to make light and luscious buttermilk, spiked with healing spices and herbs. But more about that in my next post

How to Make Fruit Butter
11 Surprising Uses for Yogurt
All of This Texture in My Mouth? The Mystery of Low-Fat Foods

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