20 Secret Signs of Addiction

By Melanie Haiken, Caring.com

Knowing whether someone you love has a problem with alcohol or drugs isnt as straightforward as it sounds. Despite the stereotypes of the staggering drunk or the emaciated addict, most people who overuse alcohol and drugs become adept at disguising their behavior. Shame, embarrassment, and fear of consequences are powerful motivators. And in many cases, the person whos drinking too much or using drugs doesnt want to recognize or admit that hes not in control of the situation.

Sadly, many times we dont find out until a tragedy, such as a drunk driving accident or an overdose, has occurred. And then were left wondering why we didnt spot the signs of addiction earlier. Knowing these 20 secret signs of addiction can help you prevent that from happening.

1. Quantity control
Over time, a higher tolerance to alcohol or drugs leads people with addiction problems to increase the quantity and frequency of their substance of choice without showing signs of being out of control. You might notice that someone refills his or her glass more often than anyone else, or is always the one to suggest opening another bottle of wine. Prescription drug users will start going through a prescription faster, complaining that they ran out or that the doctor forgot to renew my prescription.

To spot drug dependence, notice if a family member frequently seems to need an early refill, always with a different reason, says physician Gregory A. Smith, medical director of the Comprehensive Pain Relief Group in Redondo Beach, California. Excuses Smith says hes heard a thousand times: The pills spilled into the sink and went down the drain. My car got broken in! to, and they took my bag that had all my pills. My brothers friend who has a drug problem stole my pills. The pharmacy shorted me on my pills . . . there were supposed to be 120, but there were only 95 pills in the bottle when I got home and counted them.

2. Hide-and-seek around the house
Quick, check under the bathroom sink is there a bottle hiding behind the Ajax? How about in the laundry room behind the detergent, or in the garage? Finding a bottle or a six-pack tucked where it shouldnt be is one of the most common tip-offs that someones drinking is getting out of hand. Similarly, pills and powders may turn up in glove compartments, the inside pockets of purses, jewelry boxes, and the toolbox.

Over time, alcoholics and addicts develop a network of hiding places to stash their drugs. You may notice that the person is oddly protective of certain rooms or areas of the house or garage, insisting that they be kept private, says physician John Massella, regional program director of Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh. There may even be a sense that the family member is guarding the alcohol, Massella says. Outbursts of temper may ensue if someone disturbs the private territory.

20 Secret Signs of Addiction originally appeared on Caring.com.

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