Predictors Of A Cheating Partner

Wouldnt it be great if we could predict if our lovers/spouses were likely to be unfaithful? Maybe we could track warning signs from the get-go and avoid the heartbreak most of us have experienced at some point or other in our lives.

Of course, its never that easy, buta new study identifies traits that make people more likely to cheat.

Are you one of them? Is your partner?

This study examined 918 men and women (23% of the men and 19% of the women had cheated in their current relationship. Makes you wonder how many had ever cheated on a partner. Kinda scary, eh?) While prior studies focused on demographics (age, prior cheating episodes, socioeconomic status, job types), this study focused on personality factors and relationship issues.

So what personality characteristics might predict infidelity?

Predictors of Infidelity: The Dudes

Your guy is more likely to cheat if:

  • He has sexual performance anxiety
  • Hes a risk-taker
  • Hes easily sexually aroused
  • Predictors of Infidelity: The Ladies

    Your girl is more likely to cheat if:

  • Shes unhappy or unsatisfied in her relationship with you
  • She feels sexually incompatible with you
  • Fascinating, eh? So why is that?

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