7 Stages of Alzheimers Disease

By Carol Bradley Bursack, AgingCare.com

Its instinctive to want a map. Wheres the next turn? Whats the next step? Its a human thought pattern. We at least think we want to know what happens next.

The Caregivers Guide to Alzheimers

After we find out that a loved one has Alzheimers disease(or any other disease) its only natural to research it. What can we expect and when can we expect it?

The National Alzheimers Association has developed a very useful tool, or staging system, to use as a frame of reference when coping with Alzheimers disease. The organization, however, will be the first to tell you that people are not programmed to follow these stages in a direct line. No matter how much wed like to know what stage someone is in, we cant. One day, our loved one may seem like he or she is in stage five, and the next day the disease may seem more like stage four or six. With that in mind, well look at the stages as presented by the National Alzheimers Association, so we at least have a shot at some order.

The 7 Stages of Alzheimers Disease originally appeared on AgingCare.com.

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