Developing Your Hearts Intuition 3 Quick Tips

In last weeks column, Sara talked about practical intuition. I enjoyed what she wrote and have found so many benefits through consciously developing my hearts intuition that I want to share more on the subject. Some of the most important are making better heart-based decisions moment-to-moment at work, at home, and in communicating, which helps me find more ease and flow in life. I am more in-tune with myself about health issues and more creative. The guidance from my heart has become my best friend.

What the Heart Knows

What researchers are discovering about what the heart knows is confirming what our grandmothers always told us about listening to our hearts. It is truly exciting and the implications are great. Most of us have heard about following our heart but few of us have learned how to do it effectively. The Institute of HeartMaths research findings point to the human heart as playing a key role in the intuitive process, and a recent study found that the heart actually receives intuitive information before the brain by a second or slightly more. This would seem to indicate some independent intelligence that can be attributed to the heart. In fact, the discovery by neurocardiologists in the 1990s of an independent heart brain with its own complex nervous system and circuitry is being widely explored today.

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