It Doesnt Have To Be This Way

Evolution of the mind, body, and spirit is the way thetruth of the natural world. Time passes and we change, we mature. When we live by this truth, we evolve. If we pay attention to our relationships and experiences, we get better and better at being us. A commitment to livingawake means that we can become more masterful versions of ourselves. In this way, we move toward our greatest potential.

Sometimes we allow ourselves to become distracted by the chaos, addiction, or complacency. We pull away from, or reject completely, our own evolutionary nature. This disconnection creates a sense of restlessness, a longing. Its painful mentally, physically, and emotionally.

To ease or at leasttolerate that pain, we lean more heavily into our distractions. Soon there is a new cycle ruling our lives, one that carries us farther and farther from the truth, farther from our integrity, farther from our power.

It doesnt have to be this way.

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