Alzheimers Behavior: Patients or Caregivers Problem?

By Marlo Sollitto, contributing editor

Alzheimers disease or dementia causes a persons behavior to change, seemingly without reason or explanation. Clearly, some behaviors such as wandering or forgetting to turn off the stove are not only dangerous; they could put a persons life in danger. Other behavior problems are less life-threatening: Mom tells the same story all day. Dad compulsively loads and unloads the dishwasher. Dad shouts inappropriate comments in public.

Are behaviors such as these hurting the person with Alzheimers or dementia? Or is it that they are annoying and hard to deal with for the caregiver?

5 Causes of Alzheimers Outbursts

Feeling confused, worried, frustrated, or even angry about the bewildering behaviors exhibited by your family member is normal. Now, its time to come to terms with a hard truth: the real source of your negative reaction is not necessarily the patient. Its you, says Nataly Rubinstein, a geriatric care manager, social worker and former family caregiver.

Is Alzheimers Behavior the Patients Problemor the Caregivers? originally appeared on Visit for more information on Alzheimers and Dementia.

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