12 Worst Cities for Allergy Sufferers

By Katherine Butler, Mother Nature Network

The season for sneezin

It starts with a tickle in your throat. Then your eyes start watering like a sprinkler system on a hot day. As you reach for a tissue, you notice birds singing from their nests as freshly bloomed flowers bob in the sunlight. Spring has sprung, and it has kicked your allergies into high gear.And it turns out, youre not alone. Americans are experiencing one of the worst allergy seasons in years. Dr. Clifford Bassett, an allergist in New York City, told the Wall Street Journal, If we tabulated our phone records and compared [allergy complaints] quantitatively to the previous eight or nine years, were seeing a volume of at least three to four times greater a day. So where are the worst spots for allergy sufferers? Here are the 12 worst U.S. cities out of 100 ranked bytheAsthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)for allergy sufferers for the 2011 spring season.
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