Yes. You read that title right. Its heartbreakingly true. According tothis article, 15 OB/GYN practices in South Florida have set a weight limit and will not accept obstetrics or gynecology patients who weigh more.People dont realize the risk were taking by taking care of these patients, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel quoted Dr. Albert Triana of South Miami as saying. Theres more risk of something going wrong and more risk of getting sued. Everything is more complicated with an obese patient in GYN surgeries and in [pregnancies].
Why You Should Be Pissed At These DocsMy tweeps are already all a-Twitter about this news, and Im livid right along with them. Who are these doctors to determine who can and cant get care? And how dare they discriminate against a woman just because shes overweight? You can guarantee that the overweight woman probably beats herself enough for her obesity, and the last thing she needs is to be rejected by her doctor when shes pregnant or in need of gynecologic care. Way to kick a girl when shes down.Its easy to get your blood boiling if you imagine that these misogynistic docs are sitting around the doctors lounge, making fat jokes and scheming up ways to discriminate against overweight women. You can just see them fighting over the weight limit and getting their jollies on by trying to define fat. You can imagine that these gynecologists only want pretty patients to do Pap smears on and theyd prefer not to deliver babies amidst rolls of vulva.And if you feel that way and it pisses you off, you have every reason to feel that way. I certainly would, if I wasnt an OB/GYN myself.