20 Reasons to Have Sex

ByJessie FanoQuestion: Whatsthe big deal about sex and orgasms?So, whatis the big deal about sex and orgasms? I recently came across this question sent in to theWTF? Questions Youd Ask Your Sex Therapist If Only You Had One post.Of course, if youre trying to have a baby, the answer is pretty simple, but I didnt think the questioner was really asking about the procreative aspects of sex.My first personal reaction was because its fun! But then it occurred to me that I know people who feel guilty when they experience sexual fun, which makes it difficult for them to fully enjoy it, much less own their sexuality fully and freely. This struck me as too bad, and I got curious to see if there were other reasons to have sex reasons that might help them overcome the guilt. I poked around a little and came up with some good stuff.4 Tips for Tantric SexSex is Good For Your Body, Mind and Stress LevelsSex is basically a form of exercise. Even if youre not hanging from the chandeliers, your circulation increases, your muscles contract and if you DO swing from the curtain rods youre giving yourself quite a workout. Your body pumps with endorphins. Basically, it makes you feel good. And just like your body feels good after a good workout or run, the same is true for sex.
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