14 Surprising Uses for Vodka

Something akin to what we now know as vodka first appeared in Poland in the 11th century. Calledgorzalka, the vodka prototypes were used as medicines. By 1534, a treatise on herbs professed thatvodka could serve to increase fertility and awaken lust. Hot diggity!Although many still indulge in the medicinal benefits of a martini, vodka has a surprising array of alternative uses that can save money and be kinder to the planet than the harsh chemicals it can stand in for. And with so many uses, it makes sense to have one bottle of vodka rather than array of otherwise specific products.So just what can the versatile vodka do around the house?1. Febreze without the guilt
If you douse your clothes and home with Febreze to remove odor, you can do the same with vodkabut without the cyclodextrin, and without supporting a company that tests on animals. (Im talking to you, Proctor & Gamble.) The alcohol in vodka killsbacteria which cause odor, and vodka is basically odorless, as far as booze goes. Spritz your clothes and hang them in a well-ventilated room. (As with any natural remedy, sp0t-test first.)2. Keep cut flowers fresh
If youre going to have fresh-cut flowers working hard to brighten up your decor, show some hospitality and give them a little drink. Severaldrops of vodka and a large pinch of sugar added to the water in your flower vase, changed daily, stunts ethylene production andwill extend the vitality of bouquet.Guidelines for Keeping Your Flowers Fresh
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